Part 31

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Wait y/n before we start can we talk yea so tell me the story yesterday about you Cameron and cash ok so Cameron called and asked to be friends and go to brunch I said no but he wouldn't stop calling me so I said yes we got to the restaurant and then when we were eating he kept flirting with me I told him to stop but he said no and got mad and paid got boxes and slapped me and cash yeated cameron on the floor and cash asked if I can drive him home I said yes and when we got there cash kissed me and put me on his lap then I stopped and then kissed him and then we did it but with protection I am so so so so sorry Colby but did you and stas do anything yea we only kissed once me and Cameron and I did nothing in the room it's ok y/n but I was thinking about adding cash and amber back in the group would that be ok with you Colby I guess so I text the group and say we were thinking about adding cash and amber back in the group they both say yea I make a new group with cash amber me Colby Sam and kat cash texted me I told amber I text him I told Colby is amber mad not anymore is Colby no ok we'll I gtg bye cash bye Colby kisses me and slams me against the wall I hear the baby crying Colby the baby I go get him Colby says he brings the baby hear with baby food I feed Luke it he cry's more I go down stairs and get a bottle from the fridge and let him suck it after a while he finishes it and I put his pacifier in his mouth I put him down for a nap and then me and Colby continue SKIP TIME we finish I feel sick so I run to the bathroom and throw up I find pregnancy tests under the sink and pee on one 20 mins later OMG ITS POSITIVE I AM PREGNANT

Colby Brock ⚠️SMUT⚠️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें