Festival part 2

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Vine: You are quite formidable.

Six: Thanks. You guys are actually making me sweat.

Elm: We ARE the Ace-ops.

Six: Haha, and I'm THE Courier. Also sorry about this.

Six with great speed picks up Nephi's driver and throws it at Vine and Elm. The club spins and hits both at the same time knocking them out.

Port: In a great attempt to subdue Mr Six the Ace-ops have been eliminated!

Oobleck: And from what I've seen I believe Mr Six made some new friends!

In a booth holding Ozpin, Goodwitch, Ironwood and Winter. Winter was watching the fight and seeing the way Six fought. The ease of his movements, his taunting of his enemies, even his sportsmanship with the Ace-ops made a light blush creep up her cheeks. Ironwood noticed this and held a small smile.

Meanwhile in Six's workshop.

Rex was sleeping until he heard something moving the air ducts. Getting up he growls at the potential intruder but one of the vent covers burst open and a small round floating robot appears.

ED-E my love! He has arrived!

Back in the stadium

JNPR were on top a high Boulder looking out for Six but the announcement of the Ace-ops being eliminated put them on edge as now only them and RWBY were left.

Pyrrha: How do we fight him?

Jeane: I don't know. He took out the Ace-ops.

Nora: I going to call him "Lord Death Of Murder Mountain" after this!

Ren: Why?

Nora: Why not.

Six comes out from a pile of rocks holding a lever-action rifle.

Six: This here is Medicine Stick and you four look like you need some "medicine"

Jeane: Oh you're on!

Six: You yee'd your last Haw.

Jeane: Nora, Pyrrha! Barrage him!

Nora: Aye aye!

Jeane: Ren! We need to sneak up on him!

While Six is taking fire from Nora and Pyrrha, Ren snuck around and was almost in striking distance but a click from beneath his foot had other plans. A land mine filled with Wind Dust went off the wind pushing him out of the ring, eliminating Ren.

Six: Sorry pal, but I know your tactics.

Jeane lunges at Six but Six ducks under the blade and palm strikes her in the throat. He turns back around hip fires at Nora and uses the recoil to hit a recovering Jeane with the stock.

Six: Sorry sis, but I don't feel like losing.

Nora and Pyrrha continue their assault. Nora was just about to launch a grenade at Six but Six sent a round down the barrel causing it to go off in Nora's face.

Six: Hey Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Yes.?

Six: Come face me with your xiphos!

Pyrrha walks down and stands across from Six who was now holding "Machete Gladius". The two stare each down until Pyrrha makes the first move and charges at Six who widens his stance. As he gets close he sidesteps her and land a hit on her back.


She turns around swipes at Six's torso. He jumps back but lands with a slight wince. He looks down to see some red spreading. The stadium falls silent at the sight. What happens next was even more surprising. Six pulls out a syringe and stabs it near the wound. Within a few seconds the spreading of blood stops, Six lifts up his armor a bit and sees his wound has closed.

Six: Round 2?

Pyrrha was slowly looking uneasy before she promptly faints.

Six: Never mind.

Port: And JNPR are out!

Oobleck: It seems miss Nikos, did not like the sight of blood.

Meanwhile with RWBY

The team had run back into the abandoned building and ran into one of the rooms. They had boarded up any points of entry.

Weiss: Did you bar the doors?

Ruby: Yes, and the windows too!

Weiss: Good, that sociopath isn't getting in here today.

Six slowly rises up from a hole in the floor.

Six: So who we hiding from?

RWBY slowly turn around as Six is seen holding two frag grenades. Six throws them at team RWBY and jumps back down the hole. After 2 seconds two bangs are heard. Six looks at the scoreboard to see the "Talented" RWBY all in the red.

Port: And Team RWBY are out! Mr Six has won this event! What a fighter!

Oobleck: He has single handedly defeated multiple teams and the Ace-ops!

The crowd was silent before erupting into cheers.


Six meets up with Ozpin, Ironwood and Winter to discuss the next phase of their plan.

Six: Okay so now that I have made a bit of a name for myself we move onto the next part of the plan.

Ozpin: Which was?

Six: We're you not listening old man?

Ozpin: I was in thought at the time.

Six: *sighs* Winter and I have dug up video evidence of the illusionist Emerald Sustrai pickpocketing multiple students, business owners and other people.

Winter: The plan is to have myself and Six here pose as Vale law enforcement. We arrest her on charges of pickpocketing and theft.

Goodwitch: This all sounds good and all but you two are easily recognizable.

Six: We'll be using disguises. I'm gonna wear green eye contacts, a bald cap and a fake mustache.

Winter: I shall be in a black wig, yellow eye contacts.

Ironwood: And once you get the girl.

Six: Hehe

Winter: Hehe.

Ozpin: You've definitely influenced Miss Schnee. Whether in a good or bad way I do not know.

Chapter End

A/N: Here's another one for you all. ED-E has returned! Where was he? How did he get to Remnant? Next Chapter shall explain.

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