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Ford pov

Only a pair of footsteps can be heard from the hallway of the 1st floor. A new day. New place. A new team. A new goal. It was Ford ,who was bringing morning coffee to his boss and himself. His curious eyes are wandering all over the first floor. He can see lot of employees are working. Someone carrying files here and there. Some are typing furious on keyboard.

He got to know that 1st floor is for regular employees. 2nd floor is for people who assigm to investigate criminal cases. 3rd floor is for Cyber investigation team. And the 4th floor is for FBI-CCRS team, where joong ans his teammates belong. And now where him and his boss gemini belong. At least till this mission is over.
And there is another floor. Which is a top secret between FBI- CCRS team.

Ford got friendly with everyone. He has to admit that he is totally in love with fourth and prom's friendship. Phuwin , the cousin of gemini is very sweet. And he has a boyfriend. At first ford couldn't even notice that as they were very professional during duty hours. But joong said it when they had dinner party yesterday. It was to welcome gemini and ford to their team. Honestly gemini and ford did not expect this kind of celebration. It was all new to them.

And all he could remember is laughing and smiling happily. It felt like they are tight knitted family. He has to admit that he felt lucky to be part of it. At his branch they never had team dinner party out of blue. They had dinner at special occasion. And they were too professional. Wearing suit. Not laughing loudly. And many more.

Here it feels different. The way leader handle their team is different than theirs. Gemini was the second head of their branch. Even being second head of National Security branch he rarely interacted with the head of their branch. Gemini took the same lead. He barely talked with his teammates. If ford didn't has to stick to gemini 24/7 he can garantee that gemini and ford wouldn't be friends as well

He felt like they got such a nice opportunity to team up with this team.


Ford knocked the door of gemini's office. Yeah. They already got a new office. Its just as their previous one. But a little bit bright than the previous one.

He entered to the office and walked straightly to gemini's table and placed the coffee cup and said.

" good morning gem.a cappuccino for you " ford said and went to his table.

" morning ford . Thanks for the coffee " gemini said without averting his glance

Ford turned on their computer and started to go through it and installed necessary apps and staff.

" excuse me sir.....did you save new files to your computer ? I mean the project that we presented at the meeting ?" Ford asked.

" yeah I did. My pen driver was lost since yesterday but I have a copy of it in my computer. " gemini said.

" oh. Fourth took it right sir? To copy it..." ford said.

" yeah but he returned back....I may have misplaced it somewhere. I will search it but we have a copy of it. Beside that project that pen driver was empty...." gemini said.

Ford nodded. Its weird. Gemini is not type of person who misplace things. Specially important pen driver like that.......


At lunch time.

" phuwin did you call gemini ? " joong asked while sitting on their usual table at the cafeteria. Pond and phuwin is seated next to each other while mark is seated next to pond. And joong is next to mark. Prom and fourth are seated right infront of pond and phuwin.
As usual they are giggling. Who knows why. They just need to look at each other's faces and thats it....an uncontrollable laugh will appear.

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