Chapter 17 - Step one

Start from the beginning

"Ah him! He's the boy who sketches well!" Jeongin talks through his smile.

"You remember him?" I abruptly turn my eyes back toward the younger.

"Of course! He's a senior, no? He's been attending the school as long as I've been working here."

"R-right." My hand finds its self to my neck again.

I suddenly remember why I was here in the first place, "Well did you know he's talented in other aspects too? Heh.." I smile nervously trying to make my voice sound cheerful like an advertiser.

I look back at Chan for help but he remains frozen with his head hovering above the plant, his eyes almost full of hearts staring at Jeongin.

"Chan's a professionally trained singer!" I look back at Jeongin with a smile

His eyes light up, "oh really?"

"Yup!" I enthusiastically pop the p. "A-and he was looking for someone to mentor before he leaves the school."

Jeongin stays silent, staring up at me with anticipation.

"We were walking by and we heard your voice, it's uhm... very beautiful heh..."

"Oh why thank you." Jeongin bows once more with a giggle. "Singing is my favorite thing to do."

"Is that so?" I clear my throat, "W-we would actually like to give you an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" He tilts his head to the side.

"He wants to train you."


Felix starts choking from laughing.

His face disappears out of the camera on FaceTime, clearly dying of laughter on the other side. You can faintly hear his never ending giggles even when he walked away from the phone to get water.

"Yeah I thought it was strange when Hyunjin told me he was coming home early because his friends were on a 'mission'" Seungmin air quotes, his face also red from laughing.

The group were on FaceTime while studying to keep eachother company, however a certain Instagram picture posted to some random girls account had caught their eyes.

One of two boys crouching behind a large plant, very obviously spying but at the same time looking stupid as hell.

Minho and one of his and Hyunjins friends. He was a popular boy, 'bang'something. I don't really know but Felix said he hung out with him a few times.

They had been laughing at the picture for a good 10 minutes.

I was definitely going to make fun of my roommate i over this.

Like on cue, a boys voice rings out from the dorm door, "Han-ah I'm home!"

The laughs immediately go quiet on the other side of the phone.

"I'm cooking meat tonight so come out in 20 minutes!" Shuffling could be heard on the other side of the door.

"Alright hyung!" I smile and look back at the camera, only to find two boys staring into my soul.

"Are you guys married or something?" Felix brings his face closer to the screen.

"Right?" Seungmin exclaims, "Both of us are roommates with our boyfriends and they've never cooked for us!"

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