The light quickly flicks on.

“Ahhh! Don’t kill me!” I say while quickly raising my hands in surrender

“Haha, what?” he say. I pop my head up and lower my hands. The boy is very tall; he has wavy platinum blonde locks. His light brown eyes are staring at me and he has a large smile plastered on his face.

“I—oh nothing” I say blushing

“I’m Ross”

“Kaley” I smile at him “So how long till this thing starts? Do you know?”

“It starts at six”

“Is this band any good? I’ve never heard them before.”

“I think they are totally fantastic” He grins widely, well that’s kinda weird, I wouldn’t expect someone to grin at that.

“Do you have anyone to watch the show with?” I ask, mentally crossing my fingers. “My friend kinda ditched me when we got here”

“Well actually I’m going to be busy from 5:30 till closing, but I’m sure I’ll see you at some point during the gig” I look away sadly for a moment but then recoup myself

“So tell me about yourself Ross…” With that we trail off into deep conversation. He tells me he is an actor, and he can actually play a lot of instruments. We talk for about half an hour till this happens”…haahaha oh my god that is so funny!” I bust out laughing

“You’re really cool Kaley” he smiles at me while staring into my eyes. Whoa, what? That was out of the blue. One second he is telling me a story of how he did an entire taping once with cheese on his nose and then he just blurts that out, okay just think Kaley… how do you make this not awkward? I mentally snap my fingers

“You’re really cool too” I smile

“You think?” he questions

“Yeah you might actually be the most interesting person I’ve met” I admit truthfully “Next to myself of course” Ah there is my usual cockiness

“I agree” he nervously smiles back to me “Which is why I wanted to ask you something.”

“And what’s that?”

“You think you’d wanna go on a date with me sometime?” I grin widely at his question

“As long as wherever we go the lighting isn’t as bad as it is here” I wink at him.

“Awesome!” he squeaks out “Well I guess I’ll be needing your number then” he pulls out his phone as I rattle off the number. “Cool” he saves it “Oh crap! It’s 5:38! I have to go! See you later?” he says anxiously

“Yeah hurry people are depending on you!” I match his anxiousness


5:58 Hmm I guess I should head toward the stage. I begin walking away from the snack table when I hear the speakers in the auditorium.

“Hey hey hey! Welcome R5 Family! As you could have guess and most likely already know, we are R5!”

I see Liz hanging around a curtain leading to the stage.

“Kaley! Where have you been? They are starting!”

“Hey! It’s your fault! You totally ditched me! I had to resort to getting fat over at the snack table!”

“Shh!” she pushes her finger against my mouth “They are starting!” She points outside the curtain and as I look the band comes into my view point. What in the hell? What is HE doing out there? He starts singing

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