Special ✨

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No one pov
Gemini and Fourth had to go to their family beach house in summer and as they drove there they decided to take three couples with them. Markford,satangwinny and promAun.
"Are we there yet!!!" Mark asked.
"Calm down we are almost there" Gemini shouts at mark and turns songs  volume up.
They get to the beach house and the first person to open the door wasn't their moms but instead someone else.
"Gemini? Fourth?" The guys asked "what are you two doing here?"
"Hey cuz! We are here cuz my mom said to visit" Fourth says to the kid who was actually just two years  younger then them.
"Ooh" he replied. "He came too..."
The he chimon was referring to was Geminis cousin who also didn't have the best opinion on the other.
"Hey cuz!!!" Gem hugged his cousin as everyone else got inside the beach house and on to the kitchen area.
"As I said cuz, he's here too" Chimon says as he sticks his tongue out to Geminis cousin.
"Oh right guys meet our cousins." Gemini says. "This is Chimon,Fourths cousin and this is Perth my cousin!"
The guys wave hi and all go to their own rooms and head to the beach.

After swimming
With promAUN
"I still can't believe we are dating" Aun said to prom giving him a peck while drying his hair.
"Hey don't say that" Prom said "we all know how much you liked me"
"Uh huh sure honey it's not like you would stand outside of my house to make sure I was asleep" Aun replied while still drying his hair. Then Prom gave another kiss. Aun smiled and they headed to the dinning room.

It was time to eat dinner and only Gemini and Fourths moms were there since their aunts were going to come over the next day. They like fourth and Gems moms were best of friends but they were still married and have children who like each other. Well other then Chimon and Perth.

The moms put the food down and sit down to eat.
"Here, you like this" Fourth said to Gemini.
"You take this" Gemini said to fourth.
The friend group just kept eating their food while the moms were stunned and so were the cousins.
"Did you just offer him food?" Chimon asked looking disgusted.
"I don't know if I told you guys" Fourth said . "We are dating"
"Finally!" The moms shout.
"Now  nephews give me the money"  fourths mom said.
" they made a bet asking us who we thought would be dating at the end of the year" Perth explained.
"You know us two never agree on anything, but we agreed the two dating at the end of this year would have been our two older sisters milk and love" Chimon said.
"We're they dating?" Satang asked?
"Yeah but they decided not to show up!!!" Perth said getting mad and finishing his food. "Ima go for a swim"
"I'm going to sleep" Chimon said before going to his room.
"These two still not getting along?" Gemini asked.
"Ever since they came here they haven't spoken" geminis mom explained. "Other then the usual arguing."
"But it got really bad yesterday, Perth threw Chimon in the pool and left" Fourths mom said. "This was only after we told them they would go to the same school as you guys"

Gemini and Fourth looked at each other and then at satang who was feeding win and then at the other two couples and that just kept eating food and giving each other some food.

"When do you think they will they stop arguing Gem?" Fourth asked 
"I don't know" Gemini said "but look we stopped fighting, maybe they will too"

With markFord

"The food was so delicious" Ford says smiling.
"Oh was it?" Mark says smiling back and softly kisses Ford.
"You are so pretty you know" mark says as he lays next to Fords and fixes Fords hair.
"Let's sleep" Ford says "we have to wake up early you know"  he then kisses Mark and cuddles him to sleep.

With satangwinny
"Im soo tired" winny said laying on the bed.
"I know you are babe" Satang says "don't you think that the cousins of Gemini and Fourth would make a cute couple?"
"Babe let's not be Cupid hmm and come sleep" winny says and Satang comes next to him and they call it a night.

The next day

Everyone woke up to shouting. It was obvious who was shouting but everyone woke up annoyed.
"Why did you do that!" Perth shouted.
"Couldn't you see me sleeping?" Chimon  shouted back.
"What happened?" The moms asked.
"I was sleeping and he came into my room and pored milk on me!" Chimon said. "So I bit him"
"Perth why'd you do that" the moms asked
"Because yesterday he kicked me into the pool before retuning to his room" Perth explained.
"Really you two" Fourth said annoyed "why can't you two get along"
Fourth then took the friends to the beach where they took pictures and swam. Until it was night and the next day they had to leave back for the city.

"Kids come down and eat!" Fourths mom said.
Everyone ate and ate in peace. No one speaking. Except for Perth and Chimon who just kicked each other.
"Hey mom ima miss you" fourth said.
"I know honey, I miss you too" she said "it's okay we will come meet you two soon"

Then Fourth decided to go back to bed with Gem while giving him a goodnight kiss.

The next day.
"I'm sorry" both Perth and Chimon said to the guys.
"It's alright" Gemini said. "We will see you guys soon"
The two then went to their moms and gave them a hug before leaving and heading back.


New couple unlocked

Hiii yess guys I made a FirstKhao book!!! With AouBoom obviously!!  And I added a touch by adding my bbys PerthChimon!! CHECK OUT THE MOONLIGHT A SPIN OFF I also wanted to say when Chimon sounded disgusted it wasn't because they were gay but inste...

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Hiii yess guys I made a FirstKhao book!!! With AouBoom obviously!!  And I added a touch by adding my bbys PerthChimon!! CHECK OUT THE MOONLIGHT A SPIN OFF I also wanted to say when Chimon sounded disgusted it wasn't because they were gay but instead because both the cousins didn't like those two but Chimon was surprised his cousin was dating the one person he hated.I hope you liked this little suprise and yes I might make a book about them!!!  I also hope you liked that reference with Milklove!!!I love them so much and I would have beaten myself if I didn't make a story with them!!! I hope you guys are safe and healthy !! Love Sophie<333333

THE MOON FF GeminiFourth,WinnySatang,MarkFordWhere stories live. Discover now