Kidnapped Reed Pov

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Reed's heart raced as he crouched in the shadows, concealed beneath the thick underbrush. His tawny fur blended seamlessly with the earthy tones of the forest floor, making him nearly invisible. The night was alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures, but one sound sent shivers down his spine—the distant baying of hunting dogs.

He had been on the run for weeks, evading the relentless pursuit of the hunters who sought to capture him for his rare hybrid bloodline. It was a life of constant vigilance, of staying one step ahead, and Reed was growing weary. But he refused to be captured, to become a mere trophy or experiment in the hands of those who saw him as nothing more than a prize.

As he lay there, hidden among the leaves and undergrowth, Reed's senses were on high alert. He could smell the humans approaching, their scent tainted with a mixture of fear and excitement. He knew they were getting closer, and panic threatened to overtake him.

Suddenly, the baying of the dogs grew louder, and Reed's instincts screamed at him to flee. But it was too late. The hunters had closed in, and they moved with a ruthless efficiency that left him with no escape.

In the blink of an eye, strong hands closed around Reed's neck, and he let out a startled yelp. He struggled, teeth bared, but he was outnumbered and outmatched. The hunters had him, and there was no way to break free from their grip.

As they secured him in a cage, Reed's heart ached with a deep sense of loss. He had fought so hard to remain free, to run through the wild with his companion, Wraith. But now, he was trapped, torn away from the life he cherished.

Reed's amber eyes locked onto Wraith's, who watched from the shadows, helpless to intervene. It was a moment of heartbreak and betrayal, a stark reminder of the harsh reality that awaited him in captivity.

As the hunters prepared to take him away, Reed couldn't help but wonder if this was the end of his freedom, the end of the life he had known. But deep down, a spark of determination still burned within him. He wouldn't give up the fight to escape and reunite with Wraith, no matter the odds stacked against him.

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