Chapter 9: We should be partners

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jimin's wrapped around a dozen different fabrics when a text from the photography workshop group chat rings in his pocket. when he finally gets his phone out, he reads the message the teacher sent.

"hey guys, remember to bring all the materials for today's assignment, we just need some beverage (preferable with some color), a clear glass, vaseline, water, and something small and solid like a ping pong ball. it'll be really fun! (pd. bring clothes you don't mind getting a little stained)"

"shit" mutters jimin then, opening taehyung's chat. "what if i tell you that i totally forgot about the materials for today's class and i won't make it on time if i go back to my place?" he types quickly, followed by a facepalm boy and a crying emoji.

taehyung reply comes immediately with a distressed emoji, then a message. "you don't have anything right now that might work?"

jimin gnaws his lip while he types. "i mean, i have my water bottle with me. and i think i can stop at a convenience store to get a colored drink and find a stone on the street or something. but the glass and vaseline?? no way"

a thinking emoji comes tae's way and then a quick "you do that, i'll see what i can do. the teacher and i are on our way to your uni already"

jimin replies with an okay and a crying emoji. he looks down at all the fabric samples he was checking and sighs. a worker comes then, a bright smile on her face as she probably thought jimin was going to buy some of them, jimin offers her an apologetic smile and murmurs that he has to get going sooner than he expected.

"i'm sorry, i'll come again another day, thanks!" and with that, he untangles from the fabrics with practiced ease, grabs his bag and heads out. he gets to see the smile disappear from her face though, jimin thinks it might be because she now has to rearrange all the fabric samples he had to leave behind.

* * *

he arrives on time to the course, freshly bought strawberry lemonade from the convenience store, a small stone he found outside said store and his bottle of water, faking a calmness he was not feeling, averting the teacher's eyes and looking around for taehyung, as the boy was apparently nowhere in the room.

just when the teacher started to instruct how to use the materials, taehyung opens the door a little agitated and panting, some of the students throw him curious looks but nobody pays much attention as the teacher continues with his explanation. he composes himself a little and slowly walks towards the front to take his usual place with mr. choi, but as he passes jimin, his hand sneaks something behind his back. a clear glass and a little jar of vaseline.

jimin shoots his head up to look at the boy with thrill, the boy gifts him with a sweet smile and a wink before he continues his way to the teacher, who just then throws them a questioning look. both fake nonchalance.

* * *

"this is gonna be a mess, isn't it?"

"probably," taehyung replies from above, a teasing smile on his lips, "but you'll master the art of photographing splashy drinks."

jimin rolls his eyes but brings the camera to his face, adjusts the focus on the glass placed on the floor, pink lemonade filled to the brim. the assignment consists of a beverage commercial photoshoot, like those where you see drinks with cold-looking glasses spilling and splashing their contents everywhere. well, apparently you could get the cold-looking appearance by spreading vaseline on the glass and spraying some water on it for it to look like it's sweaty or whatever you call it. then comes the part of the splashing, which you get by throwing something from some distance above and capturing the exact moment the liquid splashes out of the glass.

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