Chapter 6: We're friends

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jimin is leaving his last class of the day and heading to his place when his phone rings in his bag, he fishes his hand inside while he balances his materials on the other. when he finally takes it out, he's not surprised to see yoongi's contact on the screen. he rolls his eyes with a small smirk and answers the call.

"hey, yoongi"

"hey, how you've been, jimin?" the blond answers a little awkwardly.

"good, good, busy but good. it's kinda weird that you're calling me, what's up?"

some hesitation from the other side of the line and then "i just, i remembered you usually finish classes around this time, you're probably heading to your place... right?"

jimin snorts. "i thought jungkook was your soulmate, why do you know my schedule too? that's creepy as fuck"

the older chuckles. "it kinda comes with the package," he explains.

jimin chuckles too, nodding to nobody. "that's true. so, you want me to tell kook something or..."

"no! no, i- uhm... i was a little harsh on him last time, i feel like shit. i was angry and we both said things we didn't mean and-"

"yeah, he told me a little about it"

"yeah," he hears him sigh, "so... i just- i don't think it's the right time to call him yet, so maybe, just tell me how he's been? is he eating well? is he sleeping?"

jimin climbs the last steps to his floor and reaches his door. "wait, i'm heading in right now." yoongi hums and stays silent, jimin opens the door and quickly locates jungkook at the dining table doing homework. the latter raises his head and greets jimin with a smile and then a nod when he sees him on the phone, the redhaired returns the gesture and hurriedly heads to his room.

"well, he seems fine. better than last time we talked, at least."

yoongi lets out a sigh of relief, and even when jimin can't see him, he can surely imagine the soft smile on the older's face. "that's good."

"but i do think he still needs a little more time. maybe wait for him to call first?"

jimin hears yoongi hum in a sad tone. "yeah, i thought so too. alright, thanks jimin. i'm really glad you're there with him," a soft smile covers jimin's lips. "if something changes-"

"you'll be the first one to know, don't worry, yoongi, i got you. and-" he hesitates, but he really feels the need to reassure the older too, "i'm sure he'll come to his senses, just.. hang in there."

the blond lets out a sad noise, but hums and thanks the boy again, and once jimin assures it's nothing, they hang up.

he leaves his stuff but his tablet on the bed and comes out of the room again to make his friend company, settling himself on the seat in front of the boy and swipes on the tablet to check his sketches.

"everything alright? i saw you on the phone" jungkook asks then, a tinge of concern in his voice. jimin brushes it off with a reassuring smile and tells him that it was just a classmate asking about an assignment.

"by the way, i'll go out tonight, so maybe i'll grab dinner somewhere else," he says vaguely, trying to sound cool about it, even though he's feeling all giddy inside just thinking of it.

"oh? where are you going?" jungkook pauses on his homework, now curious.

he tells him about taehyung's event and how he'll go just a few hours to keep him company. a smirk breaks on jungkook's lips as jimin finishes talking.

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