Chapter 24

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Hiccup's POV

My phone buzzed annoyingly loudly in my pocket, and I found it was a call. From my employer.

"What happened about me tellin' ya to not put the place on lockdown! I think ya did a bit more than that, too!
Well, you got the target. Scorpia say you'll be paid, so yeah. You should find 100 thousand English pounds added to your bank account."

"Ok. The lockdown procedure was fine. Anyone who could've reported me is dead, so you shouldn't receive any trouble."

"Good. Goodbye."


Put putting my phone back into my pocket, I heard someone behind me. I was in an alleyway, and it was dark - about midnight-ish, so I was surprised to see people out. Unless of course, they were following me.

I inconspicuously quickened my pace, as I knew where I was going and had a feeling my pursuer would also know the place. But then again, the person following me might not be a being who probably won't kill me. They could be completely intent on doing just that.

Cutting through the buildings and crossing an empty, silent road, I finally found myself on a gravel path that went - rather dangerously - along a cliff edge. It was a full moon, and in the light I still didn't look round, because then my noisy follower would act on my judgement, and I didn't need it look anyway: I could tell they were still there from the deafening crunching of gravel that was highly audible.

I finally reached my destination: a wooden bench on the edge of the cliff, and this was all on the top of the hill; to carry on on the path would be to fall hundreds of metres and die a swift death.
I suddenly froze at the very top, and looked down at the waterfall that went down the cliff face. This meant my friend could easily - or so it would seem - push me off. If you give the enemy power, they become stupid and get the idea that their opponent is helpless.

Supposing that this was that sort of enemy.

I realised the person was close, and I could hear their breathing, enough to tell they were tired from the gradual climb.
I turned around.

Astrid's POV

I was right behind him. He was standing on the edge of the cliff. But I had a feeling he knew I was there.
Suddenly, he turned around, which was exactly what I was waiting for.

I kissed Hiccup on the lips passionately, and he grunted, surprised. But he kissed back, and I felt exactly how I had all those years ago.
When we parted, he looked into my eyes and I realised there was no cold stare like I had seen yesterday - a look that was probably natural to him now.
He whispered,
"Here I was thinking you were planning to kill me or, even worse, ask me about what happened."
I laughed and, knowing there was no danger (he seemed friendly) replied,
"Well, the thing is, after everything we've been through, I just can't help but want to be with you. You've helped me through so much.
I just can't help but love you."

We kissed again, this time properly, as it was an expected thing, unlike last time.
I looked into his eyes for moment afterwards and then walked away.

Hiccup's POV

We kissed twice, which was not something I was expecting at all. I think, deep down, I do still love her, and I suppose it was also one of the hidden reasons as to why I killed myself. I just couldn't live with what I'd done. After all, it was me who killed her.

As we sat on the bench together, she started fiddling with my hair, and it amused me. I had been living for many years without allowing anyone to even touch me, but here was someone who was not afraid.

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