😘Sookai- Soulless

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On his way back to his place, Kai called him. He told Soobin to meet him at his condo.

When he arrived, he saw Kai alone. It was the first time he was completely alone with the guy and he still couldn't feel anything. He should've been radiating something but he just fucking wasn't. It made Soobin mad.

Kai closed the door then locked it. "Let's just get this out of the way. You aren't human are you?"

"Of course I am. What kind of question is that?"

"Don't lie to me."

Soobin kept lying. "I'm not."


The blonde dropped the act. Clearly Kai knew and he wanted to figure out why the fuck he couldn't sense anything from him. "How did you know?"

"Very little gets by me." Kai got up to grab a bottle of grape juice from the fridge. He sat back down and started to drink it.

"Why can't I sense anything from you?"

"I don't have a soul."

"Are you like me?"

"Not really. You eat souls right? That's why you were so uncomfortable around my boyfriend? Because he's so pure?"

"He's a little less pure when he looks at you... but yes."

Kai almost spit out his grape juice when he heard that. He swallowed it back then wiped his nose with a tissue. "That must suck to be you. How old are you? I'm surprised I've never seen you before actually."

"Actually or what I tell people?"

"Both. Why not? We can compare."

"Actually 142. I tell people I'm 22 since that's when I was turned."

Kai swallowed the last of his grape juice then tossed the bottle in the recycling. "I beat you. I'm so old, I've lost track. I know it's in the millions. My dad is in the billions. I tell people I'm 21 though, because that's how old Beomgyu is. I can change my age to whatever the fuck I want."

Soobin didn't even know what to say. Millions? He was a baby compared to Kai. "Can you kill me if you wanted to?"

"Sure. You in the mood to die today? Wouldn't be that hard."

"No! I just wanted to see if you could!"

Kai got up after laughing for a bit.

Soobin followed him to the kitchen. "How can you kill me if no one else can seem to be able to?"

"I'm millions of years old Soobin. I've learned a few things here and there." Kai grabbed another bottle of grape juice for himself and Soobin. "Take it."

"I don't exactly drink... or eat for that matter."

"I think you'll find you can drink this."

Soobin took the purple beverage. He pressed the bottle to his lips and let the sweetly sour liquid grace his tounge. It didn't make him feel ill like all other food. He chugged the rest of it and begged for another one.

Kai laughed some more as he gave it to him. "Take it easy. That's the last one."

He finished the bottle in 10 seconds flat. "How? That was amazing! But how?"

"I told you. I've learned things. I can actually give you a soul if you wanted one. You could be human and die like everyone else."

"Wait. Why are you dating if you know Beomgyu is going to die? Doesn't that suck?"

"Not really. I'll age with him like I've always done. It'll suck when he's gone but it isn't goodbye. That's entirely his choice. I'd do it all over again if I have to."

Soobin threw both of his bottles into the recycling. "I don't want a soul. I'm not ready to die. Can you die?"

"When it comes to living or dying, I can do whatever the hell I want to Soobin. I could start over with you after Beomgyu dies. I could go back to my dad right now and you'd never see me again. I could give you a soul whether you wanted it or not."

"Start over with me?" Soobin wanted to know if Kai felt the same way. That question gave him hope. It was dangerous to have especially since Beomgyu was so enchanting to him. He could kill him right now and have Kai to himself if he wanted.

"It was an example."

"But say you lived a fufilling life with him and he chose to not start over. Then could you be with me?"

"Depends I guess. Unlikely though. I love Beomgyu but I kind of hate it here. I'm sorry you were forced to be here for the past 142 years." Kai looked at his watch. "Beomgyu will actually be here soon. If you ever want a soul or want to die, just let me know. I'd recommend the soul thing though. You'd get a chance to live like me. To find someone who makes you eternally happy until it's time to say goodbye."

Soobin got up to leave. He didn't want to find someone else. He would wait into eternity if he had to for Kai. Knowing he could literally live forever with him, made Soobin want him more.

Death was no longer something he aimed for. It was something he dreaded. It was just a matter of time until Beomgyu died. Good thing he had all the time in the world to wait.

Short Stories- Kai ships only!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang