"whoa what happened to your confidence now?" the older didn't respond causing the other to sigh. "no hyung, you are definitely not the problem." hueningkai sighed, he didn't like how yeonjun questioned himself instead of the assistant. "i don't know hyung. maybe he doesn't feel comfortable with his sexuality yet?"

this made yeonjun gasp audibly as a small hint of hope filled the emptiness in his chest. "oh my god, that's.. wow.. i didn't think about that. maybe, that's why he didn't want to answer. he must have felt ashamed to admit that to me, but you know i would never judge him for that. i could give him time and i would even help him through it, like.. coming out and stuff."

hueningkai nodded.

"i should talk to him."

hueningkai didn't fail to notice how yeonjun's entire face lit up at the thought.

"why is he so special anyways?" the younger questioned.


"why do you like him hyung?" hueningkai repeated, tone slightly raised in attempt for yeonjun to hear better.

"ah.. that.." yeonjun's cheek slightly flushed. "when i'm with him, it feels like i'm captured in a song."

hueningkai's eyebrows furrowed, clearly confused while the other just continued talking.

"i feel serenaded with melodies and lyrics whenever i'm with him. you know how i love to produce music and my dream is to be a singer right? well, when i'm with him, my brain seems to do it very easily, writing songs i mean. i don't know how or what it is but i just, i already feel at peace with him and i barely know him." yeonjun smiled.

"oh wow. i see he's got you hooked already." heuningkai muttered."i just don't want you to get hurt hyung, you know i care about you a lot."

yeonjun nodded. "i know. you don't have to tell me. i know already."

he did know the younger really cared about him. hueningkai and yeonjun were best friends since childhood, had a bond so strong they tell eachother everything. the two boys met as children in elementary school. despite him being only 11 years old, yeonjun remembered their first encounter so vividly. it was a simple monday morning when yeonjun met the 8 year old who had grown to be his devoted friend.

yeonjun had lied to his teacher about going to the toilet, instead, he made one of his daily trips around the school. he stopped in his tracks, though, when his eyes fell on a quiet boy crouching on the ground, back leaning against the wall. the boy seemed all alone and his eyes were covered by his bangs, he looked like a total outsider. yeonjun didn't fail to notice how the 8 year olds' classmates were all playing around in the classroom while he was sitting there, on the ground, all alone. yeonjun wanted to be his friend.

"hello i'm yeonjun!" he kindly waved, sending him the brightest smile he could. the youngers' widened eyes immediately after quickly shooting up at him, yeonjun recognized that even through the bangs covering them. an awkward silence filled the halls, the boy must have been taken aback, so yeonjun gave him time to respond.

"h-hi i'm h-hueningkai." the other stuttered softly, gaze not leaving the floor ever since he had placed it there.

"what are you doing here? on the ground? aren't you cold? my mom always tells me to sit on a chair because the ground is cold and i can get sick." the older chattered.

"its okay."

yeonjun pouted. "no its not! i don't want you to sit here alone."

the other seemed to loosen up a bit after yeonjun showed him concern and he gathered up the courage to respond. "i'm scared."

"why?" yeonjun's eyes widened.

"they don't like me. i don't want to go back." hueningkai finally looked up at the other.

"your classmates don't like you? why would they not?" yeonjun's eyes were genuine and it comforted the other so he felt safe enough to tell him. he didn't know him but the older boy he met already felt like a friend.

"they call me bad names. they say i'm a loser and childish because i still sleep with plushies and they make fun of my clothes and lunchboxes because they have cartoon prints on them."

"do you like cartoons and plushies?"

"yes." kai couldn't hide a smile thinking about it.

"that's the most important right! who cares if they don't like it, you like it, that's enough."

hueningkai slightly nodded, still unsure.

"you are really cool hueningkai! i want to be your friend. if your silly classmates have anything to say, you tell me!" yeonjun kicked his feet excitedly as hueningkai looked at him, clearly surprised. yeonjun was the first person at this school willing to be his friend.

"okay." hueningkai murmured softly.

"awesome!" yeonjun shouted but before he could say something else, he was stopped by the sound of a door opening.

"choi yeonjun! this is clearly not the toilet!" a female voice echoed through the hall to which the mentioned just giggled mischievously.

"i have to go friend! lets talk later!"

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