A Lovely Wedding

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Kate is trying to make her wedding to Elliott perfect. I try to remind her that nothing is perfect, but her and Elliott are a great couple and if there are few glitches in the wedding then that just makes it more interesting just like everything that happened to get us to this day.

Anastasia has been there when I broke down over the wrong color napkins and it turned out to look much better than the original ones. Mom, Grace, Carla, Mia and Anastasia have kept me sane during the wedding planning. I finally decided to have fun at the wedding and the reception. Elliott was in rare form that day as well. We had a lot to drink and we were helped to our suite by security. Drunk or not we had our wedding night fun. Our heads were in need of some pain reliever. We finally felt like eating and then we headed toward the GEH jet and Christian's island estate and staff that were going to wait on us hand and foot. No cooking or cleaning and we just enjoy each other and the private beaches and everything else. Christian had one rule, don't use his suite or his office. I have seen both and I prefer the other suite in the other home that affords us more privacy to be able to sunbathe nude. That and other things. The jet has two bedrooms and two showers and bathrooms. He has the sheets changed with every long distance flight or when someone has slept in the bed on the jet. Natalia was really making me mad with all her flirting with Elliott. The pilot finally had a word with her and she stopped it.

I can't imagine a better wedding even though a maid of honor certain clumsy had to be prevented from falling. Christian somehow caught her and walked her to the altar. Kate was laughing as she walked to my side. We enjoyed the reception so much we had to be helped to our suite. We had been under so much stress getting the wedding planned we were finally able to relax and had too many drinks and enjoyed every moment of our wedding reception. We finally head to the GEH jet and board it, I can't believe Natalia is still working for Christian because her flirting is outrageous. The pilot had to finally have a word with her before Kate punched her lights out. She was more professional after the chat with the pilot. He and his female cop pilot were both able to replace her at a moments notice. There are a lot of people who would want her job.

The jet crew were on standby just in case the bride and groom were a bit busy to make a set time. I called them off until they got a call from security telling them to ready the jet and crew. Natalia had to be called in as the back up stewardess. I told the pilot and co pilot to fire her if she starts the flirting again. They let me know they got her back in line before they took off for the island. They handled it well. I give the pilot and co pilot certain power over the crew because they know how to handle employees that deal with my jets.

The wedding was beautiful and we watched the videos of it all. A few little things were a bit off, but we caught them and they were fixed. Enid, Kate, Mia and Anastasia made sure things ran smoothly. Christian was able to get to Anastasia before she hit the ground near the altar. It will be a funny part that we will remember and be able to watch over and over again.

One down two to go wedding wise. Can they please elope. Grace cringes at the word elope. We definitely can't do this again. Everyone was on edge about the details of the wedding. The reception was great and everyone had fun and the couple got drunk.

Kate and Elliott were drunk by the time they said goodnight. Security saw them to their suite for the night. The wedding gifts were delivered to their new home thanks to Christian and his staff. A list was made of who gave gifts and the package it was in. The party planner had that job and then they later wrote what the gifts were and who they were from and if their were receipts and if there were duplicates of gifts.

The wedding was okay, it should have went better and Anastasia should have worn different shoes than what she had on, so she wouldn't have stumbled. I think Kat should have picked her other friends to standup for her. The reception was nice and seemed to go smoothly. The food wasn't bad, but I would have gone with another caterer.

I made sure everything ran smoothly food wise and drinks. Security was tight and especially around Angel. After the couple was arrested their family tried desperately to get Angel away from me because I am seeing a psychiatrist. The judge told them that I was her legal parent now and nothing was going to change that fact. Gideon had to fly back to New York. We talk a lot over the phone. I have met most of his family members except the two that he trusts the most. The two that are the ones who tell him their opinion and he listens to them. I won't jump through anyone's hoops and I don't have to. I have made it through hell and back. I am strong and don't need a man to get through life. I would like to be married, but I won't seek a families approval. I am who I am accept me or don't, but I won't make myself small for you to be able to marry your precious relative.

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