35| All kinds of antics

Start from the beginning

I turn to the front as Mr. Walter takes his position, able to feel my heart rate increase. "I tried. Things were fine, and then I thought about what happened at the party, and it was like I couldn't swim anymore. I froze."

Concern darkens his eyes as he half turns to face me, not bothering to lower his voice. "Are you alright?"

A few people in the row ahead of us glance at Noah briefly before refocusing on Mr. Walter. I drop my voice to a whisper and say, "I'm fine. It wasn't a full-blown panic attack like before, but I'm scared about what might happen tonight at practice."

Even though I don't meet his gaze, I feel the concern radiating off him in waves, as if the idea of me being worried stresses him. "Then I'll come with you tonight and watch from the stands." He tucks my hair back, suddenly dead serious. "Nothing is happening on my watch, Blue."

Lightning jolts my stomach, different from the feeling I get when we kiss. Deeper, richer, like a comforting hug when you need it the most. "Won't that make you late for practice?"

"Only for Coach's long-winded speech before land drills." The corner of his mouth lifts. "I think I'll live."

I hesitate. Having Noah at practice will make me feel infinitely better, but he's already on this ice with Coach. I can't imagine him turning up late will make things any better.

"Do me a favor," Noah says before I can speak. "Don't worry about me."

"How come you're allowed to worry about me?"

"Because." He partially turns to face me, his warm gaze searing my skin. "You're worth worrying over."

Feeling flustered, I turn to the front, oblivious to what Mr. Walter has spent the last ten minutes saying, which I take as my cue to focus. Leaning forward, I start a fresh page on my iPad and jot down today's date, but after thirty minutes, that's as much as I've managed.

Beneath the table, Noah's fingers brush my leg. I stiffen instinctively and try to focus on the lecture, but it's nearly impossible. As he begins tracing subtle patterns on my leg, all I can think about is yesterday morning and his tongue in places they shouldn't be.

As though he can hear every dirty, lewd thought, he leans closer, positioning his mouth near my ear. "You don't know how badly I wanted to see you last night, Blue." His gaze darkens as it glides across my face, awaiting my reaction. Truthfully, as scary as it feels to admit, I'd been desperate to see him, too.

"Me too," I whisper.

Hearing this triggers something in him. His fingers cease tracing, and I picture that dangerous gleam in his eye deepening. He murmurs in a low, frustrated voice, "You're going to get us in trouble."

*🔥The next few paragraphs are slightly sexual in nature, so if you prefer not to read, skip to the end of the warning. 🔥*

Before I can ask what he means, he's squeezing my thigh beneath the desk. My body tenses, and I catch my breath as his fingertips begin their journey upward, slipping between my thighs. Heat rushes through me, and I bite my lip to stifle a gasp, fully aware of the dozens of people in front of us.

"I think I'm addicted to you, Blue." His breath comes rough and hot in my ear, forcing my thighs to burn. "I can't get the taste of you out of my head."

I hold my breath. Now isn't exactly the time or place to discuss last night, but based on the husky glint in Noah's eye, he doesn't care. His fingers travel up toward my crotch, dangerously close to the same place his tongue had explored last night.

"Noah," I whisper. "Don't you dare."

His mouth curls. He looks straight ahead, for all intents and purposes, the perfect student, but his fingers circling my sensitive spot say otherwise. My eyes dart around, certain we've caught the attention of the entire lecture hall, but everyone is facing the front.

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