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"You're incredibly important to me, Ivy." Lorraine says and even though I don't really believe it I smile at her. "But we've only known each other for like one day, Lorraine." I say. "You don't really know me."

"But I'd like to." she smiles. "Ivory, I just can't help but feel like there's a deeper connection between us. I'm not certain of what it is, maybe it's that you're a clairvoyant as well, but I really want to find out. After I yelled at Brandon Ed told me I'm normally not like this. But I am when it comes to people who matter to me."

She kind of has to be nice to me right now. What happened to me seemed to be rather tough and who wouldn't be nice in such a situation. "I don't think I'm a clairvoyant, Lorraine."

"Just accept it." she says with a smile on her face and I can't help but listen to her. She seems to be right often, so why not with this?

"In which part of what happened last night did you hit your head?" Lorraine asks and I realize I haven't even told her the whole story. I continue with telling her about the footsteps, how I went downstairs and how that muddy thing was back again.

She repeats that she's sorry she wasn't there and tells me she'll stay with me now. It sets off a warm feeling spreading through my whole body. Ever since the death of my brother I thought I was just doomed to feel alone, but maybe it isn't so after all.

I have to stay at the hospital for two days, apparently I can still get a brain hemorrhage. It kind of freaks me out, but the doctors probably know what they're doing. Lorraine stays with me for the whole time, she even stays for the first night. I feel bad that she has to sleep on the chair so I offer her the bed and she accepts. I think normally that's not allowed, but no one says anything.

Brandon doesn't visit me once, he's staying home with Ed. But I don't want him here anyway.

Finally it's the day I can go home, Lorraine said Ed will come to pick us up. While I change into the clothes Lorraine had brought me this morning in the bathroom she collects the crosses she had put up in the hospital room. She picked a long light blue skirt and a white blouse out of my closet which perfectly match my light hair. The outfit does remind me a bit of her though, I'm just missing the jewelry.

"You didn't tell me how the story with your brother ended." she mentions when we've packed all of my and her things. "You don't have to tell me, but I'd be willing to listen."

I nod firmly while we both sit down on the hospital bed. "We crashed into the car which was coming right at us. I was the one driving. We were both brought to a hospital, that's why I'm not too fond of them by the way. Michael and I were both in a bad state, but he was worse. I was in the OR when my brother died, we didn't even get a chance to say goodbye."

Lorraine listens carefully before she grabs my hand gently. I look over to her confused, her eyes are closed. Her eyebrows furrow in concern and then she opens her eyes again. "You were and still are so important to him, Ivory."

I nod, knowing she's right. But because of that it hurts even more Michael is not here anymore.

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