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"What? You don't know where she is? Didn't you check?"

My head hurts incredibly much, the noise is only making it worse even though it's really quiet. I don't want to open my eyes. The image of the figure from last night is still in my head and I don't want to see it again. If I keep my eyes closed I can't, right? Also it would probably make my headache worse. The light which turned my eyelids from black to dark red was enough to send a pain through me I've never experienced before.

The voices are hushed now. Maybe my hearing got worse, but presumingly the people are just talking in a lower tone. I hear footsteps on the stairs and with them my panic is back. With each step my head hurts more and I can physically feel how it gets harder to breathe. "You have to stick together, you can't just leave her." a woman says. It takes me an embarrassingly long while, but I finally figure out it's Lorraine. She's here. And I can hear her calling my name. I really want to answer, but I think I just can't.

"There is no excuse. It's not only you who is afraid." she says. While her voice is reproachful she still sounds gentle. I really can't wrap my head around how she does that. Knowing she's there I feel safe enough to open my eyes. But just as I do so I regret it again. I groan as the pain feels like a thousand needles to my head and I have to close my eyes again. I just have to.

At least my hearing seems to be back to normal again. The steps from two people lead into Brandon's - and my - bedroom. But they don't stay there for long and I can hear Lorraine getting frustrated. "How could you do that?" she says, the gentle tone slowly leaving her voice. "Demonic spirits are extremely dangerous, they're deadly, Brandon." she says. His name sounds like dirt when she says it. And I like it.

"What if he got to me?" I hear my husband's voice. Lorraine defends me immediately. "Well, it certainly got to Ivory. You weren't there and you could've been." she tells him when the footsteps finally reach the room I'm in.

I can hear them walk through the door and then footsteps are coming right at me. "Ivory, oh thank God." Lorraine says and I can feel the relief she's feeling. She kneels down in front of me and I feel her cold hands on my face, I don't mind the temperature at all.

It takes a lot of effort, but I finally open my eyes. She's stroking my cheeks with her thumbs when I'm finally able to see her. I can't suppress the groan escaping my lips, even though my headache surprisingly doesn't get worse, it doesn't get better either.

A worry line appears on her face and I feel bad immediately. I don't want to cause her stress. "Hon, what happened to you?" she asks carefully while her right hand rests against the back of my shoulder. The left one still remains on my face. It's a lovely distraction from the pain and if it was any other situation it would probably make me nervous. But right now I'm too busy worrying because Lorraine seems so worried.

"Do I..." I try to speak but my voice is so rough it hurts to speak. "Do I have to tell you now?" I ask. A smile spreads across her lips and I think I can see tears glistening in her eyes, but the last part is most likely just my imagination. She has real beautiful eyes though, staring into the blue feels like watching the ocean on a warm summer day.

"No, no, of course not. Take your time." she says in the most gentle and soft voice I've ever heard. "Can you come with me?" she asks. I'd follow her everywhere, honestly. I nod firmly and groan as soon as I move my head. Bad idea.

Lorraine opens the other door of the closet I'm in and it gets even brighter. While I squeeze my eyes shut Lorraine lets out a worried breath. She must be seeing the bruises from last night. She lets go of my back carefully and gets up quickly. "Watch over her." she orders Brandon who seems to still stand in the doorway.

A few seconds before Brandon's standing in front of me I can hear her call her husband's name. She also adds a worry filled "You need to call 911!" which leaves me confused. What's so bad about my state? Isn't it just a little headache?

"Ivory, I hope you're gonna be okay." Brandon says. I can't help but scoff. I know it makes him furious, but I'll just blame it on my "bad state" later.

"Really, you can believe me. I do hope that." he repeats. I have to look up to him since he doesn't sit down.

I chuckle. "I know, I know." I say. "Don't you think I know that? You need me, Brandon. You need me to wake you up, I bet you weren't awake when Lorraine and Ed came here. You also need me to make you breakfast, like I'm your maid, mommy or some other shit. There's nothing I don't need you to remind you of. Obviously you hope I'll be okay, you can't live without me."

He's getting mad, I know it. I close my eyes again, but I'm not afraid of what's about to come. Because I know Brandon is a coward. Nothing more than that, but maybe less. "How dare you-" he says but is quickly interrupted when I hear two people coming inside the room.

"Alright, you'll get back. No, better. You'll go now." Ed says with a raised voice. When I open my eyes again I realize Brandon actually listens. "Hm." I mumble surprised. Ed walks my husband out of the room and further which leaves me alone with Lorraine. She's quick to find her spot in front of me again.

"I'm sorry we put you through that, Ivory." she tells me even though both of us know it's not her fault. "I'll make it up to you. We will deal with that spirit and you'll be alright." she reassures me. "Mh-hm." I nod. "Thank you, Lorraine."

"And Ivory."

I look up. I think I'm too weak to say anything, but she knows I'm listening. "I'll make sure you're okay. Really okay. Ed and I see who Brandon really is and we are willing to protect you. This is more than just a case for us. Do you understand that, Ivy?"

I do listen to her every word, but it's getting harder and harder to concentrate. The last thing I understand is that she'll help me. That's so nice of her. And Ivy is such a cute name...

"Ivory? Ivory!"

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