Pregnant? ~

355 21 1

Y/n's pov

I'm not sure if finally a big hapiness is coming towards our way or I'm just being a delulu ass. I was standing infront of my bathroom mirror.

It's been a month after I woke up from my coma, Taehyung did everything in his power to make me feel at ease, and he even succeeded. I'm more than comfortable and secure when I'm with him. Things are too perfect in our married life. Just when I thought that nothing can get more perfect-

"Y/n! Get me some tea"  Mrs Kim's sudden knock on the bathroom door took me out of my thoughts. Due to the sudden flinch, the positive pregnancy test which I was holding fell under the basin. I kicked it further under the basin in a hurry and went outside.

His mother was not a good person to be honest, or maybe just not a good mother in law. What can I say, no one is perfect. Neither am I.

She isn't treating me too well, especially when Taehyung isn't with us. This is the second time she visited us after that horrible incident. First time because Taehyung secured deal with a big company, earning millions of dollars within a week, to congratulate him basically. Taehyung wasn't pleased to see her, reason being she didn't even come once to visit me.

Nonetheless, with her emotional blackmailing she got his sympathy saying she fell sick as well, the very next day and blah blah blah which was OFCOURSE a lie.

Taehyung has a straight week off starting from tomorrow, so I won't get the chance to visit a hospital without him knowing, I only have a few hours today before he comes home. Seems like I'll have to tell his mother about my potential pregnancy before him. Fuck you fate.


I hurriedly went back home, Mrs Kim said she has some work on the way so I had to leave alone from the hospital. She wasn't even happy when the doctor confirmed my pregnancy, I hoped she would be but nevermind, who cares. Taehyung can get home anytime now, I've to kinda decorate the room, before giving him the surprise news.

I stuck white balloons all over our bedroom ceiling. Wore a nice off shoulder white dress with tiny floral prints on it. My heart was beating faster with every passing second, knowing he will be getting the news about my pregnancy soon, I can't wait to see the expression on his face.

My stomach kept stinging from time to time, maybe because of the excitement? Or maybe not. I felt wetness between my legs. I looked down to find-

Taehyung's pov

I had been knocking on the door since the past 5 minutes, maybe she's not home or just asleep. I used my spare key and went straight towards the bedroom to see if she's sleeping.

"Y/n?" I whispered lightly.

The room was filled with white balloons and fairy lights, y/n was not on the bed. Before I called out her name again, I heard a light sob, coming from the- washroom.

The door was slightly open, I took in a breath and silently went inside to see y/n sitting on the closed pot with her head hidden in her palms, sobbing. She was in a snow like dress, she dressed up intentionally I assume.

"Dumbun? What's wrong love" I took her face in my hands, making her look up. Her face was puffy and red. Hot tears were continuously streaming down her cheeks. Her trembling lips didn't seem to have the energy to speak up. All she could manage to say was

"I'm so-sorry Tae-" she hugged my waist, sticking her moist cheek to my shirt.

I gently patted her head to make her calm down before she can speak. As she scooted closer to me I got a view of her back, and the little red stain near her hip area.

Her period date is not even near?

"Hey, dumbun, wash your face and tell me what's wrong, okay?"

I made her wash her face with some cold water and settled her down on the bed. The look in her teary eyes was literally crushing my heart into pieces.

"Wait, I'll get some tissues" I ran towards the cabinet under the basin. I was rummaging through the bathroom stuffs when my sight fell into something. A pregnancy test to be specific.

I took it in my hands turned it around. Two lines indicating a positive pregnancy. Is y/n pregnant? Or- she was-

Oh dear God. I was so oblivious.

"Baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone." I sat by her foot hugging her legs tightly. "I'm here with you, we'll get through this, it's alright. Shushh" I kept assuring her while my heart wasn't aching any less. I didn't even realise when tears started forming in my eyes as well.

I'M SORRY OKAY?? But you'll get happy days too, don't lose hope-

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