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Y/n's pov

Me and Taehyung went out after a while today. The week long holiday left him with too much burden of work once he returned. Understandable.

It wasn't much of a fancy date but we were happy the whole time, that's what really matters. His mother was going to come over tonight for dinner, everything was ready but around 7pm I started craving icecream.

I could've simply ordered it but Taehyung convinced me to go down with him to his favourite icecream place, which I've never been to before. I had to agree, there were still 2-3 hours left for his mother's arrival.

"What the- drive carefully Taehyung!" We were on his bike, ride back home. He finished his cone, I didn't. (He ate one this one is my second-) he made a sudden halt making my body jerk forward. My icecream swirl smashed on the back of his neck. This bitch-

"I'm sorry about that. Seems like you'll have to apologise too. Icecream is dripping on my neck now" he kept his eyes forward while talking.

"You should've worn a helmet, then this wouldn't have happened" I threw my almost empty cone with a smug expression

"Clean it" he changed the gear and sped the bike, my body flushed against his back again.

"Can you stop doing that" I tried to move away, balancing myself.

"Or else what?" He did that shit again

"You're testing me?"

Istg I could sense his grin even without looking.

It's time to make him realise who still holds the lead here. Who can make the other one weak, oh this is gonna be fun.

"Lemme clean it first"

"Tissues are in- y/n- wha-" I pulled the back of his collar down a bit with my index finger and swirled my tongue on his nape, cleaning off the ice-cream. My mouth didn't leave his skin before leaving a hickey on the same spot.

We almost tripped from the bike due to imbalance when my tongue came in contact with his skin at first. But his trembling reaction was worth it.

"Wait till we get home y/n" he mumbled.

I'm fucked. Not just metaphorically- by the way.

We were still 20 minutes away from our house, when at the same moment both of us spotted Mrs Kim's car, broke down car to be specific.

"She's your mother right?"

"Guess so-" we got down the bike in a hurry and paced towards her.

"Ahh Taehyungahh thank god you came. My car broke down out of the blue. " She frustratedly brushed her hair with fingers.

" Hello eemo" she didn't acknowledge my presence, I had to make it known nonetheless.

She just glanced at me and in a swoosh looked away as if I was just a mere sign board of 'no parking '


" I'll book you a cab, wait a mi-" Taehyung took his phone out of the pocket.

" Book her a cab, take me on the bike" she pointed towards me.

" Bu-"

" It's alright, I'll come by the cab. Take her home first, she must be tired. " I gave Taehyung my carry bag filled with a few grocery items we picked on the way. "Just take these home"

"You sure?" He took the bag from my hand, looking at me with doe eyes. If only I could kiss him right now-

"Yeah I-"

" Taehyungahhhhh I'm tired, let's go" she pulled him away towards his bike. He kept looking back at me the whole time she was dragging him.

They had a convo near the bike, I couldn't comprehend what exactly they were saying due to the distance between. But Taehyung seemed tense and worried, on the other hand eemo seemed to be nagging.

" BOOK A CAB, TAKE CARE! " Taehyung yelled, and went off with his mother.

She almost tripped while adjusting herself in the bike. Her embarrassed look was worth it not gonna lie.

Alright, so a cab it is. I shoved my hand in jeans pocket and was met with emptiness. Hold up- where is my phone- SHIT!

Why so cruel god??????

Seems like my phone tagged along with Taehyung in the grocery bag.

I can bet all the ice-cream tubs I'll eat in future, there won't be any public transport anywhere near this area. Guess I'll have to walk until Taehyung comes to pick me up once I'm late. Shit life.

The darkness on the road wasn't helping either. Nonetheless, I started moving forward. All that could be heard was my footsteps. I wrapped arms around myself, rubbing my shoulders to create some warmth, the attempt was useless by the way.

After like 4-5 minutes of walking, I heard a car pacing towards me.

Should I ask for a lift?

I know I'm dumb and impulsive, but not THAT dumb and impulsive, come on it could be dangerous.

No, I shouldn't ask for a lift. Just keep walking y/n

"Do you need a lift miss?" The car stopped besides me on the road side, there was a guy inside, and a lady in the front seat. They were both around mid 30s.

"No it's alright, thank you" I kept walking forward.

"You sure? You won't get any lift once you go a bit more further, this road isn't much of lively place"


"Get in"

He's right, I wouldn't have sat in if it weren't for the lady in the car too. Maybe god listened to me pleas finally.

I got in the backseat after thanking both of them.

The ride was silent. Just for 2 minutes.

He stopped the car, I looked back from the window to them. The lady was shuffling, seems like she's getting down. Crap.

"Take care! Bye" fucking hell?!

She got down the car, before I could ask him to drop me too, he started the car again.

"Excuse me, please drop me here too. I'll manage" I tapped his shoulder.

"You won't get any lift again" he kept his sight on the road.

"It's alright, just drop me" I could feel the car moving in more speed with every passing second, just like my heartbeats.

"I'll drop you home, don't worry"

"Just fucking drop me you asshole" I heard a click, did he just turned child lock on??

I tried opening the doors, locked.

"What the hell is wrong with you!??" I yelled, trying to mask ny fear.

"I'll drop you." He passed a smile. Which was anything but comforting. Fucker is a psycho?

What did you get yourself into y/n???????

Hey babies, hope y'all are doing well and enjoying the story as well hehe.

And the next chapter might be triggering for some people, please let me know if that's the case, I'll summarize the chapter without much of SA trigger in dm to you. Your comfort matters.


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