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Beomgyu woke up in the middle of the night, a burning sensation in his chest but also he wasn't used to sleeping early.

He would drug himself and pass out to sleep and his addiction showed up that night, his chest hurting as if it was reminding him to take it.

But he hadn't brought any with him and didn't plan to, he in fact planned to use Yeonjun like a drug. 

So he turned to his left side, falling next to Yeonjun. They weren't glued to one another but they were still very close, his nose not too far away from the latter's face.

He just stared at him, his face painted with the colours of the moonlight.

His pretty eyes were shut, revealing beautiful lashes, his nose was traced and defined and his beautiful lips were as usual perfect shaped.

He was gorgeous and Beomgyu couldn't think of one minute whereas the man didn't look good.

It's like he would always be posing for Beomgyu's camera eyes, picturing memories kept warm in his mind, even memories of the most usual stuff.

Like the way his lips shifted when he would talk or the way his eyebrows would always dance upon whatever mood the boy was in.

He was staring at a view he missed so much, he looked too good and it almost scared him.

Only hadn't he pictured that Yeonjun would lay on his right side, being face to face with Beomgyu.

The boy blushed and his cheeks turned red, it felt like he was sinning if he kept at the position.

But he felt too lonely and scared, his heart beating faster only hurting his chest even more.

He needed to talk or to at least just feel some aliveness in the darkness of the night.

He recalled when he would make Yeonjun stay awake until he would fall asleep because he was scared of the dark, scared to be alone.

Now it was the opposite, the dark was his only friend while he was alone when he was afraid of Yeonjun.

Panic taking more and more space in him, he decided to wake the boy up.

"Y-yeonjun...please Yeonjun...wake up...Yeonjun..." he continuously said as he tapped the boy on his arm.

Yeonjun moved a little before his eyes opened up quickly, as if he sensed something was wrong.
He looked at Beomgyu (who was right in front of him) and he remembered his fear.

"Hey it's okay i'm awake, what happened ?" He whispered softly as his eyes relaxed.

Beomgyu felt an overwhelming sensation take over him and without knowing why he started crying, hoping for comfort.

Yeonjun got alarmed and quickly took the cryinf boy in his arms, not caring wether it was appropriate or not.

"What happened ?" he murmured into the boy's hair. "Why are you crying ?"

Beomgyu shrugged. "I don't know..." .

The latter reached to turn on the lamps on both of the nightstands. "Is it because of the dark ? Because i fell asleep first ?"

And Beomgyu relaxed instantly. So he hadn't forgotten. So he nodded, the buzzing in his ears decreasing.

Yeonjun couldn't help but be in awe. He wished he knew Beomgyu needed him.
"It'll be okay i'm here and i'll be awake the whole night if necessary, but have some sleep please."

To which Beomgyu shook his head.
"I'll just sleep in the car tomorrow on the road...i don't want to sleep now..." he said as he dried his cheeks from the previous tears.

Yeonjun rubbed his upper arm softly,
"Is it because you don't want to sleep or because you can't sleep?"

"Both." Beomgyu replied. "Please...let's stay like this for a little while if it's fine with you.."

The boy nodded and switched positions to be more comfortable. He put a pillow behind himself and sat down while holding Beomgyu like a little puppy.

"We don't have to sleep if you don't want to." Yeonjun reassured.

Beomgyu pressed his face deeper into Yeonjun's neck, his paradise like scent being a drug itself.

"Do you want to talk or stay silent..? Maybe i could ask some questions if you allow me to be noisy once again." Yeonjun said.

He felt Beomgyu's nose and lips on his neck and hoped the boy wouldn't switch positions otherwise he'd see his red face. He hadn't felt such warmth to his neck in a while.

"You can ask." Beomgyu said sleepily, making Yeonjun giggle.

"You're sure ? Sounds like you'll be sound asleep very soon." He replied.

"I hope i will." Beomgyu said. "But ask questions, i like it when you're interested in the mess i am."
he added bluntly.

Yeonjun was left surprised at the honesty.
"You're not a mess. At least not anymore and i wont let you be one anytime."

Beomgyu smiled, being fond of the protectiveness and somewhat possessiveness in Yeonjun's tone.
Or he was just delusional but that was fine with him either way.

"But anyway. Can i ask you about something pretty heavy ? We can talk about it tomorrow though i'd rather let you be at peace tonight."
Yeonjun added.

"What's the question about ?" Beomgyu asked.

"Well...heard you did drugs. Can we talk about it tomorrow ?" Yeonjun said truthfully.

The long haired boy sighed. He knew it would be a topic either way. "Tomorrow yes." He said.
"Can we watch a movie so i can fall asleep ?"

Beomgyu shifted and was now sitting, looking at Yeonjun.
"Of course we can. Anything for you right now."

Beomgyu noticed the distance and got shy by reflex, shifting to sit next to him rather than on him.

Yeonjun got up to turn the TV on and browsed through Netflix for a movie Beomgyu could like.

He remembered themselves watching Studio Ghibli to make Beomgyu fall asleep so he asked the boy which one he wanted to watch.

Beomgyu chose "My Neighbour Totoro" instinctively, it being one of his favorites.

Yeonjun dived into the bed and sat to his previous seat next to Beomgyu.

But after a few minutes Beomgyu instinctively went to be held by Yeonjun, placing himself in the man's arms and placing his head on his chest.

Thus they watched the film until Beomgyu fell asleep and Yeonjun continued the night watching the beautiful boy in his arms, not the movie.


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