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A Drink Too Much (II)


"Ah, I can't drink without permission." It took a second for Scara to realize what he was saying, and where he was-outside of supervision. "Wait, if she isn't here... I can drink. Oh, my Archons having no rules 24/7 for once is a luxury-!"

He rolled his eyes and thought of the Shogun and her stupid rules. "I wish there weren't rules laid out for what I can and can't do daily. It must be nice to live so freely, huh?"

"Ah, well," Kazuha handed Scara a cup of the wine. He couldn't help but laugh at the idea of rules being applied to him. Of course, he went by the rules of nature and law, but he did as he wished whenever and wherever--that was what came with being an adult and a wanderer. "I've lived most of my life without rules since I've been as free to wander as where the wind blows."

How in Teyvat did he not have rules? Isn't he a Kaedehara, linked to the Niwa Clan with great prestige back in Inazuma? It was bothersome that he wouldn't be able to ever ask, given doing so might expose his identity and connections.

"Let's make a toast," Kazuha suggested as he held out his cup to Scara.

Scara took the cup and thought for a moment. "You can say one. I haven't the slightest idea what to say." Except he did have one, except not the courage to say. 'To fate bringing us together.'

"Alright, let me think," Kazuha looked into the dark crimson wine, swirling it around in his cup as he thought of what to give a toast to.

"To the future, where I hope to meet you again and journey like this, and so that you will find freedom as I have," he said as he raised his glass to Scara, smiling as he closed his eyes to prevent himself from looking.

Scara smacked a smile on his face. For some reason, thinking about the inevitable time when he leaves Kazuha to join the Fatui hurt him. Though he did hope that they would meet again too, even after he joined the twisted organization. Raising his glass, their glasses clinked together. "To the future."

The two took a silent sip of the wine, the both of them savouring the sweet taste of alcohol. Kazuha turned and leaned against the edge of the tub so he would be less tempted to look at Scara and took small and careful sips of the wine. "If you don't mind me asking, what kinds of rules did you have before you started travelling? I haven't stayed in one place for long, especially in Inazuma. What's it like?"

Scara laughed as he sipped on the wine, preparing himself to tell Kazuha some of the rules. Taking in a deep breath, he started, "Well, hope you're ready for an earful... No slacking off. No bad posture. Don't go outside without permission. Must be asleep by 9 PM. Must wake up by 5 AM. Curfew at 12PM when out. Only eat certain foods. Talk clearly, but not loud. Eat in small increments..."

He took a deep breath in and sighed, "I can't name them all, but those are a couple that really tick me off." He downed his cup and exhaled. The burn of the alcohol in his throat and the sweet taste of wine all made him calm down. There weren't many opportunities for him to drink any alcohol, so he couldn't pass up this time.

Kazuha listened carefully, losing track of all the rules about halfway in. This was also proof of Scara's nobility, but from which family? If that were to be revealed, everything else would fall into place with its connections. "There sure are a lot," he muttered as he finished his glass fairly quickly, pouring himself another.

"Inazuma has been nice, though I'm making a guess that the growing storm is tied to the Shogun's fury of the prince's recent disappearance." That made Scara wonder, where even is the Shogun? Wherever she is, she's probably following along his tracks nearby.

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