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A Drink Too Much (I)


The two arrived at a fork in the road with multiple signs. Off in the distance, they could see Snezhnaya, and multiple waterways with steamboats and the glimmering waters of Fontaine. Scara squinted to read some worn and weathered signs, catching sight of one. It read: 'Auberge locale Fontaine.'

"Kazuha, look, there's an inn over there!" he tapped on Kazuha's shoulder and motioned towards one of the paths.

There wouldn't be a chance Kazuha would survive in Fontaine's city on his own without knowing French. He was thankful Scara was there to translate, otherwise, he could have only imagined what fool he would make of himself passing the sign.

"I'm glad you're able to read that. Let's hurry before it's rush hour," he said as he took a steady path in the direction of the inn.

Similar to the one at the border of Liyue and Fontaine, this inn was also grand and seemed expensive. In addition, there was steam rising from the back of the building, most likely indicating a bathhouse was included. Kazuha wasn't sure if his pride could be hurt again anymore, but he was too tired to care anymore.

After entering, he hesitated at the counter and suggested Scara speak this time to prevent a problem like last time. "Would you..?"

Scara felt his spirits lift at Kazuha's hopelessness. It was cute. "Sure, I don't mind."

Scara stepped up to the counter, waving at the distinguished clerk behind it. "Salut! Pouvons-nous réserver deux chambres ? Je paierai le prix fort. S'il te plaît et merci." [["Hello! Can we book two rooms? I will pay the full price. Please and thank you."]]

As if on instinct, the clerk turned around to the wall of keys and plucked two off the hooks. The man handed the two thin keys to Scara, "Veuillez profiter de votre séjour."[["Please enjoy your stay."]] His moustache almost made Scara feel like a polished gentleman himself as he exchanged the mora for the keys.

With a spin on his heels, Scara waved the keys at Kazuha before tossing one over, "Two this time. No mistakes!"

Kazuha caught the key and head off with Scara through the less confusing inn. He was a bit disappointed by the two separate rooms, but he would find a way to make up for their distant connection.

After arriving at their respective rooms, Scara was about to turn in for the night and unpack, but he heard Kazuha in his doorway.

"How about we go to the bathhouse together? I haven't been to one in a long while, and it's very relaxing after a long journey as ours."

It felt like his body froze then. How in Teyvat could he have said that so casually? Scara turned, his movements almost like a stone statue moving for the first time. "S..sure! I've never been to one, but it sounds nice."

It was a bit surprising that Scara would agree to go, especially since the man was so secretive, but Kazuha found it as a chance to get closer to him. Of course, though, they would have to find the bathhouse first.

Scara shifted past Kazuha, pausing in the middle of the hall before realizing, "Uhh.. Do you know where it is? If not, we can look for it together."

"Ah, well, I only could see the steam from the back of the inn, so it must be around here. There should be an employee or two around that we could ask along the way to make sure though," Kazuha said as he began to head down the corridor. It was always a mystery how Kazuha could always be so free. Scara wanted a taste for that too, but he was afraid that wouldn't ever come.

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