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Compared to where Kazuha had thought they would pass through, this route was much quicker and they soon were able to see the flowing clear waters of Fontaine. There were tall buildings and bright colours of underwater fish and plants, somewhat similar to Watatsumi Island. Just as the man had said, a great inn was present at the end of the road. 

Kazuha drew a deep breath and smiled at Wanderer, "I'm glad we were able to make it to a lodging. I do hope we'll meet that gentleman again so I can properly thank him for the guidance." He looked up to the westward sky which grew dark as the sun set. 

His feet had begun to ache because of the heavy load and the thick wooden sandals he wore, but he wasn't one to complain when such a fortune was gifted as to spend a night under a roof.

It seemed that it didn't take more than a day's time with Kazuha for the wanderer to start opening up. Kazuha followed alongside with the other, taking in the foreign environment as a new opportunity to learn and explore. He had never been to Fontaine, and it certainly was a land far to disappoint. 

It was difficult to push back his worry, but Kazuha’s smile brought one to Wanderer’s face, "Me too. The guy seemed nice. Let's get walking to the inn, shall we?"

The roads stretched from a dirt path to a cobblestone road with other travellers arriving at said inn on foot or by wagon. It was always intriguing for Kazuha to see other wanderers and travellers when on journeys. But as time went on and the kingdoms advanced into new periods, fewer of them could be found. It truly was a diamond in the desert to find another such as him. 

The weather cooled from earlier that evening, relaxing them into a soothing night with glowing fireflies, chirping crickets, and flying bats. Windows of the buildings shone under the reflection of the setting sun to the west, and most people dressed in tophats and walking the small town’s streets with their new inventions to test. 

"I could give you a different nickname. Wanderer doesn't sound much like a nickname. Doesn't it?" he giggled a bit as saying so, turning his head to his companion.

Kazuha turned his attention back to Wanderer, a smile creeping onto his face upon hearing even a giggle. "I'd much rather you pick whatever I call you, but I do agree it is a bit long." 

"Very well."

At the entrance of the inn, many people dressed in overcoats and hats seemed to line up inside. The decor of the inn was much different from Inazuma and what little Kazuha knew of Liyue, with tall dark wood carvings and shining marble floors. He hoped that it wouldn't be too expensive for one night.

The two peered in, both anxious to enter by how foreign the decor and architecture greeted them. 

A swelling feeling rose in Wanderer’s chest as he watched people enter and leave the inn. Many disregarded them as ever being there, but it was much better than being stared at. He then remembered the word for his human emotion. Anxiety.

Why am I nervous? He thought. Oh, right, it’s because I don’t want to be found out. 

Kazuha also was a bit nervous around so many people, especially since they stood out so much. But because it was getting late, there weren't as many people out on the streets to point and stare at the pair. 

He led the way inside of the inn and spoke with the man at the front, who seemed to have an accent which made it a bit difficult for Kazuha to understand, but eventually led them to their rooms. 

Either Kazuha was pretending to understand the guy’s accent or he could hear through his strong accent. Both seemed plausible as Wanderer followed after. 

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