Ch. 14 - More Bad Than Good

Start from the beginning

"Everything okay guys?" Y/N called out to them. They looked at him and nodded. Y/N nodded back before sitting down with them, keeping them company. They sat in silence for a while before the bell rang. Kaitlyn began to pack up when she saw Kira eyeing Scott's, Stiles's, and Y/N's backpacks.

"Hey." Kaitlyn called out to the girl. "You okay?" she asked Kira.

"Yeah, it's just..." Kira gestured to the bags, and Kaitlyn understood.

"Let me help." Kaitlyn offered, picking up Y/N's backpack, while Kira grabbed Scott and Stiles' bags. They exited the classroom together, but Kaitlyn immediately bumped into someone.

"Sorry, pardon me." They said. Kaitlyn looked up to see Michael. Her eyes narrowed immediately.

"It's okay." Kira said, shaking her head. Michael noticed the extra backpack's they were carrying.

"Do you two need any help?" He asked. Kira nodded, and handed him Scott's bag. They walked down the halls, searching for Scott, Stiles, or even Y/N but found something else. A coyote.

"Oh god." Kira said, her eyes going wide. Kaitlyn slowly put Y/N's backpack down as Michael took a step forward.

"Run." He said, as the Coyote snarled and leaped at Michael. Michael raised his arm and grabbed the coyote mid air, and threw it into the wall. It yelped in surprise as Kira ran into the locker room. The coyote snarled at Michael, and Kaitlyn got a look at his eyes.

They were glowing an emerald green.

He expertly dodged another claw from the coyote, before he ushered Kaitlyn into the locker room as well. He pulled Kaitlyn behind some lockers, where Kira was also hiding. They hid as the sound of glass breaking echoed through the locker room. Kira sucked in a breath as Michael and Kaitlyn readied themselves. Kaitlyn heard the sound of the coyote's light footsteps approaching, as it growled. Kira tried to peek around the side to see where the coyote was, but Michael put his arm in front of her and shook his head.

"Hey!" they heard someone yell. The trio's heads snapped to Y/N who was staring down the coyote. It snarled, before approaching Y/N. "Scott, now!" Scott slid next to Kaitlyn before pushing the locker over. It tumbled over like a domino, and knocked over every other locker. Unfortunately, the coyote was able to escape and Y/N sighed. But then he looked over to Stiles' backpack to see it torn apart. And peeking out of it was a porcelain doll.


The police were called, along with animal control. Y/N stood beside Kaitlyn as he made sure she was okay. She was unharmed, and told Y/N about what she saw. About Michael's green eyes. But they were different. Only his pupils glowed green, not his iris'. Y/N looked at Michael, who was being asked questions by the police. His suspicions were being confirmed. But then things began to get worse. Mr. Tate entered the school and that was when Y/N learned that Stiles had taken the doll from the crash site of the Tate family. Needless to say, Y/N smacked Stiles upside the head after Tate was escorted out, since he brought a gun onto the school campus. They needed to act fast and made a beeline to the animal clinic. Deaton was able to supply them with the necessary items to safely deal with a werecoyote.

"Xylazine." Deaton put three small containers of a clear liquid on the table. "It's a tranquilizer for horses. For a werecoyote, expect it to work within seconds. I only have three. So whoever's shooting, needs to be a damn good shot."

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