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"What other skills?" Tech inquired curiously, swivelling in his seat.

"Omega spends all her time with you four. She needs friends—ones her own age, and who don't share her genetic profile."

"We never had such a thing." the spectacled clone stated. "I do not see the issue."

"No kidding." Phee raised a brow, but cracked a smile. Fern noticed her prolonged gaze at him, and she narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Not this again...I thought she'd moved past this phase.

When the pirate's dark-brown orbs trailed over to the female clone, though, her glare transitioned into a curious stare. Phee scoffed knowingly, "How about you? Thoughts? You could use some female friends yourself."

Fern snorted as she leaned back into the chair. She then kicked around so she could face the dark-skinned woman with her hands planted in her lap as she melodically retorted, "Oh, but Phee, I do. I have you." She then cleared her throat. "I don't disagree on what you said about Omega, though." She crossed her arms deliberately. "If you must know, we have taken a couple steps into seeking new means of financial and lodging stability. After that, then we can worry about Half-Pint having a social life."

"I don't quite fol—"

"We're receiving a transmission." Tech interrupted the pirate. He then sighed unenthusiatically. "It is from Cid."

Fern figured the Trandoshan woman would eventually contact them after they have been ghosting her since the whole misadventure with the Zillo Beast. "Let's hear it." she nodded.

Tech pressed a button on the console, projecting a recorded message from their former employer: "So, it's been 20 rotations and no word. You better be dead because your absence has cost me a few scores. Remember our mutually beneficial arrangements, and how well we know one another, if you know what I mean. You'd do well to not assume I am just threatening you."

Phee hummed with interest when the message ended and Cid's holographic image dispersed. "You didn't mention you cut ties with Cid."

"Our mutually beneficial arrangement wasn't so beneficial," Hunter retorted. "mutually."

"Figured that out, did you?" The pirate scoffed again. She lounged back in the seat behind Tech, folding her hands behind her head. "I've known Cid a long time. She's a useful ally, but not someone you want to cross."

"I've also known Cid for a long time, and she does not scare me." Fern rolled her eyes as she smirked with confidence. "Her bark is most definitely worse than her bite."

"I would think even that would raise some concerns in terms of leaking information about you lot." Phee pointed out, but Fern disgarded it with a shrug. "Like I said, bark vs bite. She actually has to ring up someone—let's say, the Empire—in order to share newsworthy tidbits on us. An absurd act and one Cid would never risk without compromising her little intel business."

"If you say so." Phee whistled. "Do you at least have a plan?"

"You're looking at it." Hunter said dubiously.

"Like I said, we're taking our first steps..." Fern lightly chuckled at the sergeant, then gestured over to the pilot. "Tech here was the one who suggested we contact you."

"I was wondering why you called me out of the blue in search of collab-jobs." Phee snorted, shaking her head and hoisting herself to her feet. "In that case, you all are coming with me." She stepped forward and leaned down over Tech, placing one hand on his shoulder and reaching out to the console with the other. She tapped in an unfamiliar code. "Head to these coordinates, Brown Eyes."

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