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"Tech, right? TECH WINS!!!"

Fern pushed the hatch open, and she and Tech were greeted by the eruption of cheers from the spectators. After Tech hopped out of the speeder, he caught Fern by her waist as she slid down its side; the female clone pressed her hands on both his shoulders for support. As he lowered her gently, the crowd began chanting his name.

"Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech!"

"Tech," Fern gasped, her eyes rimmed with tears. Tech removed his helmet and they took in the unexpected ovation, a small smile crept at the intellectual clone's lips as he acknowledged the audience with a salute. "Wired-Brain! We actually did it!" Fern tackled her friend in a embrace, her arms wrapped around his neck. She then smacked a big kiss on his cheek. "We're alive! And we won!"

Tech was too stunned by Fern's sudden act of affection to speak; his face heavily blushed.

"You did it!" Omega's excited voice shouted as she dashed towards them. Fern jumped off the flustered clone, turned with a huge grin, and opened her arms for the young girl to leap into. She spun the both of them in a big circle as they both giggled with happiness.

"That was awesome!" Wrecker fervently chuckled, slapping a hand on Tech's shoulder and shaking it playfully. "That was the coolest thing I've ever seen! You actually did it!"

"Well, do not sound so surprised." Tech cleared his throat and adjusted his specs. With his chin lowered, he glanced over at the radiant Fern, her infectious smile caused his heartbeat to accelerate. It was only hours ago she was distressed and wanting nothing more than to leave Safa Toma. As he approached her, she had set Omega back on her own feet and faced him with her unfaltered grin — it was almost impossible for the intellectual clone to maintain a neutral disposition as he nodded, "I'd say that could not have gone more competently in our favor. Collaborating on this endeavor was an efficient call on your part."

"Yep," Fern posed her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest proudly. "As always, my plans are always the best." Tech rolled his eyes, but hid his grin. Fern seemed to be back to her old witty self, and that eased his mind.

"Now we can go and get Cid!" Omega pumped her fist in the air. She, Tech, and Wrecker watched Fern's giddy grin transition to a wicked one as she individually popped each of her knuckles on both hands.

"Uh oh," Wrecker said warily. "Fern's got that look in her eyes again."

"Oh, yes, Wrecker," The female clone winked up at him. "Cid has no idea what is in store for her."



Walking into Millegi's personal parlor, the big oaf established his dominance in the room by announcing, "We're here for Cid!" Though I didn't expect a full brawl to initiate, my hand rested on the hilt of my vibro-knife cautiously. We were receiving some pretty nasty glares from the gang lord's henchmen after all. However, Millegi proved himself to be an honorable man by raising his hand and affirming in a low, smooth voice, "A deal's a deal. We're square."

"Much appreciated." I nodded with a respectful grin.

"That was some racing, Goggles. You too, Fern." Cid noted from where she stooped at the bar. She hopped off the stool and joined our side, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "I, uh— I-I—" she laughed with the same tone, as if thanking us was the most embarrassing chore in the galaxy.

"Alright, don't strain yourself, Cid." I rolled my eyes, slapping a hand on her shoulder and smirking. "You owe us big time, you hear?" My comment seemed to snap her back to her narissitic self as she pushed away my grip and grimaced. "I'll make it up to ya, Princess. Come on, we're out of here." She hobbled her way passed Tech and Wrecker and through the exit.

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