

Z your writing sucks

BITƎ MeƎee!!!!¡¡!!

Strangely enough, there were also a lot of angry faces around the message too.

Upon seeing the message, N threw the tray behind him, causing it to lodge into a wooden part of the wall.

"Ah... don't give me those eyes~!"

Cyn stared up at N, her screen had a... slightly distorted picture of a dog on it,"Giggle, i am so naughty!" The picture flashed off of her screen, the regular yellow eyes returning back in its place. "The flesh demands invitation!" Lolling out of her face, Cyns black, dry tongue dangled in the air. Her eyes had a crazed expression laced into them, widened, hollow. Lightning struck, lighting her face up.

"Ahh, we'll ask Tessa, okay, if noooot... movie night!" N shot his best cool-boy finger guns at Cynthia (who was still sitting atop the counter).

Cyn's eyes were weirdly worried for some reason.

Her hand hit the side of her head,

"Sheepish. Nod."

Sheepish smile.

Dramatic classical music—obviously dominated by the violins—erupts from the dining hall as drones pace around, making sure every placement of every object and/or table was perfect. Making sure that there was not even one speck of dust cluttering the air, the ground, the seats, the tables, nothing would ruin this gala.

Yellowed lights high above the ground added a rich feel to the air, being the only thing that shone off of any shiny thing in any shiny place. Shiny.

Despite all this, a creak in the large oak entrance doors interrupted. Two robots peeked their little heads through the gap, soon following through with their entire bodies.

N and Cynthia walked across the glossy floor, Cyn holding onto N's arm the whole way.

"Shuffle. Shuffle. Shuffle."

Her head lolled to the side once again.


Cynthia pushed her head back into place, her yellow eyes filled with worry. N's white ones were, too, but his worry?


"Western Villa style?" Hovering over two working drones carrying a table, a tall, skinny man. Legs like toothpicks, arms the same and his torso was barely there. His most noticeable feature?

The large tophat that probably took up most of his bodyweight.

"Were you programmed by BEASTS?!?!" The man, known as James, picked up one of the forks off the table the drones were carrying and launched it into one of their heads. Oil flowed and sputtered out of the wound like a fountain, pooling all over the tiled floor.

"There's humans coming!"

A girl, known as the one and only Tessa, paced back and forth in-front of a staring J. Though, also performing her directive, cleaning the glasses on a little metal tray.

"I've only ever yakked to robots, J! QUICK, pretend to be a ripping royal stud!" Pulling out a book of sorts from seemingly nowhere, Tess shoved it in J's face, trying to get her to look at the cover.




Murder Drones x Reader (+Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now