The coming of the night

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I was getting out of the black limo and saw my red purse laying on the seat and picked it up. I got out my phone to see what time it was. Oh! By the way my name is Ice Rose Blackthorn Beauty. Beautiful name right? All of a sudden, as I got a few inches away from my limo, I was falling. As I landed on the ground I looked behind me and saw a brunette girl with brown eyes look at a cut on her arm. Lord knows how it got there but I sensed creatures in the dark. Vampires! My history with them are not good at all!
"Watch it ,will ya'?!"I growled, angrily.
Then I saw a bunch of girls in black uniforms running our way and took a guess for why she was running.
" Back off!!!" I growled in a deep, dark tone.
"Who's gonna' make us?! Cause there is only one of you and six of us." Sneered one girl, my guess, the leader.
I walked over to her and stared. She looked straight into my one eye, since I had an eye patch on the other, and i glared daggers at the girl. She got a scared look on her face and ran off with the six girls behind her.
"You alright?" I asked, sighing.
"Y-Yeah." She whimpered.
"Hey you know your way around the school, right?" I asked, staring at the blood that spilled from her arm.
"Yes." She said, a bit wimpy.
"Good, then you wouldn't mind showing me the way to headmasters office, would you?" I said.
"Oh! No problem!" She said, smiling.
How can she be happy when a vampire could grab her at any second?
I pull out a bandaid and wiped away the blood.
"There." I said, helping her get up out of the dirt.
"Thanks!" She said, as if I was a hero.
"Don't mention it." I said.
We were walking down the hallways and she pointed out the extremely obvious things to me.
"And here is headmaster Cross's office!" She squealed.
I hate her were my thoughts as I knocked on the door. I heard a cheerful voice yell"Come in!"
"Hi. Um... I am a new student here. Ice Rose Blackthorn Beauty?" I spoke with a deadly tone but he seemed to just shake it off.
"Hi! I am headmaster cross and I have been expecting you!" He said.
~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~
I was handed a majority of things and a key to my dorm. I walked in and dumped the stuff onto my bed. I collapsed on the couch and laid there for a while before falling into the comfort of darkness.
In headmasters office-Zero
I walked into headmasters office and stood at his desk.
"Yes headmaster?" I said, questioningly.
"I have a new girl around and want you to keep an eye on her, understood?" He asked.
"What does she look like?" I questioned.
"Long gray hair, lavendar eyes, and she is wearing an eye patch." He replied.
"Fine." I muttered.
I walked out and decided to perform my duties as guardian or prefect.

To be continued...

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