Family Tea Recipe

Start from the beginning

Even Chopper was on his best behavior.

Kanan and Chopper were running diagnostics and repairs on the Phantom without having to be asked because they didn't want to upset Hera further when Kanan felt her fear.

Kanan dropped everything and ran to Hera.

Something was wrong.

She was injured and she was scared.

Was she dying?

Did the Empire find out he was a Jedi and sent an execution squad to take them in?

What had happened to get Hera so terrified?

"Hera!" Kanan rushed into the cockpit and found she wasn't there.


Did someone drug her?

Was that why Hera was acting odd? Did someone drug her to more easily kidnap her?

"Hera!" Kanan shouted with urgency. If someone was going to take Hera from the Ghost, they were going to learn just how deadly a Jedi without an Order could be.

"Here." He heard her call out from down the hall.

"Hera!" Kanan shouted in relief.

She was still here.

She wasn't taken.

She was just in the fresher.

"I'm in here."

"Are you alright?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you can go away now." Her voice wasn't the usual calm it was.

It was slightly higher. Strained.


"Are you sure? I felt your fear."

Hera was silent.

"Sorry, I'm trying not to read your emotions because that's kind of invasive and I want you to tell me things because you trust me and—"

"I'm on my period."

"Oh. Okay?"

That's... good?

"And I don't have any... you know."

"Okay. I'll be right back. You want Chopper to keep you company or do you want to be alone?"


"I'm going to get you tampons. Do you want to be alone? I'd leave a datapad for you so you're not trapped in the bathroom bored out of your mind and I'm wanting to know if you want me to bring Chop with me."

"You... are going to the market... to get me tampons... and are offering to take Chopper???" He could see her confusion through the locked door.



"Okay. We'll be back in a bit."

Kanan left to go get Chopper ready for the impromptu rescue mission.

Later, when Hera was out of the bathroom, Kanan came up to her and offered her a cup of not caff.

It smelled spicy and so sweet and Hera just took it in and breathed.

"It's chai tea. My... mother would make it. Whenever she was sick or on a day when the cramps were bad. It seemed to help so..." Kanan looked down and ran his fingers through his hair.

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