Family Tea Recipe

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Kanan Jarrus is no stranger to the female reproductive system.

Jedi Master Depa Billaba was his master and taught him all about it after all.

"You're going to feel some pain in your abdomen every month throughout the duration of your apprenticeship. I believe it would help you with the understanding of women and your fellow Jedi." She had said with a serene smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Caleb had that health class that was taught to every youngling of course, he knew and learned about the reproduction of every species in the galaxy.

Why in the ever cosmic Force did the humanoid female reproduction have to be so painful???

It hit him out of nowhere.

Caleb had run to Depa and cried because he believed he had been stabbed and Stitch their medic missed something.

Depa merely raised a dainty eyebrow and offered him a cup of chai tea.

They were working on his saber forms some time later when Caleb fell to his knees with a stabbing, cramping pain in his abdomen.

"Uhhhgngng..." he rolled on the ground.

"Ah, the cramping has started." Depa mused.

Caleb looked up at his Master, his mother figure, the one who was supposed to keep him safe and alive through his Knighting, and gave her the most betrayed tooka eyes he could muster.

"You see, young Padawan," Depa smiled, like she wasn't also feeling a stabbing in her abdomen. "Most men in the galaxy write off menstrual pain as something insignificant or even made up. But every male Padawan who has a female Master or vice versa knows otherwise; it is a teaching moment, Caleb. Do you know why?"

Caleb whined and thought about it between the pain.

He heard two lines of thought about female menstruation; one hand, there were those who thought it was an over exaggeration, and on the other, there was the terrifying reaction of non-menstruation based species when they learned the specifics of what actually happened.

"Humility?" Caleb whimpered.


"Compassion? So we learn to not brush aside another's pain?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Depa watched her Padawan curl up into a ball.

"Telling you." He muttered.

"And a very good answer that was. Now get up. If I can learn to do it, you can learn to do it." Depa pulled her Padawan to his feet and ignored his groaning.

"Ready position, and begin."


Kanan was fairly new to the Ghost. He'd been with Hera and her demon droid for a few months and liked to think he and Hera had built a trusting relationship.

Between Captain and First Mate.

Employer and employee.

Friends who poked at gangs with sticks and freed the occasional slave while simultaneously thrusted their middle fingers at the Empire.

Kanan long accepted that If something were to happen, Hera would initiate it and she'd take the lead. That was fine, Kanan respected that and Hera.

He also liked to think that in the months he'd been with Hera, she would trust him more.

She was hurting, that much he knew. She wouldn't tell him where, or let him help, or even tell him what to do or where to go. Hera would not give him anything to go on and she seemed more irritated than usual.

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