I Can't Ruin His Legacy

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'They think I'm Spidey,' he thought, his heart pounding loudly in his ears as he observed the people below him. 'But I'm not him! I don't have powers at all!' The desperate pleas of the woman who had informed him of the fire echoed relentlessly in his mind, her voice filled with fear and anxiety.

"Spidey, please hurry!" she screamed, her voice trembling with emotion, laying bare the depth of her terror. Andreas stood paralyzed, torn between the weight of their expectations and the stark reality of his limitations.

With adrenaline surging through his veins, he instinctively sought refuge behind the protective cover of a nearby wall at the edge of the roof, concealing his presence from the view of passersby.

"Huh!?" The voice of a confused pedestrian reached his ears as he continued to hide behind the wall. "Spidey disappeared!?" the person exclaimed, uncertainty lacing their tone as they tried to make sense of the situation.

A chorus of bewildered voices followed suit, causing Andreas to tightly shut his eyes as he clenched his teeth. 'I'm not the real Spiderman, okay!? So don't ask me! I won't help!' he chastised the crowd mentally, his emotions intensifying as he wrestled with the burden of their expectations.

'It's not like I'm a heartless monster. I want to save everyone in that burning building too. I'm sure everyone feels the same. But I can't be reckless. If I rush in there, what will happen next? Will I become a burden and put more lives at risk? I don't possess superpowers, nor am I a professional firefighter. The wisest choice is to wait for the actual experts with experience and remain here. That's the only feasible course of action for someone like me.'

He reluctantly accepted the weight of his decision, a heavy heart laden with guilt for dashing the hopes of those who looked to him for help. But at least that's better than putting more lives in danger by trying to play hero.

However, amidst the turmoil of his conflicted soul, a single comment, like a bolt of lightning, pierced through the darkness, causing his eyes to widen in surprise and his resolve to waver. "No way! Did Spiderman run away!?" The voice of a confused bystander carried on the wind, etching into his consciousness with newfound clarity.

Before that moment, Andreas's guilt had been self-directed, lamenting the disappointment he brought upon himself and the hopes people had placed in him as Andreas. But the jarring realization now struck him like a thunderclap – running away wouldn't diminish expectations toward Andreas, but rather toward the legendary figure he revered as Spiderman. This epiphany sent tremors through his entire being, leaving him trembling with nerves.

'I can't let that happen!' His inner cry echoed fiercely as adrenaline surged through his veins, propelling him into motion. With newfound determination, he sprinted toward the stairs, each step resounding with urgency. His breath quickened as anxiety and determination waged a tumultuous battle within him.

Spiderman had always been his hero, his role model, and his inspiration. The thought of being responsible for tarnishing the reputation of the very symbol he admired shook him to his core.

Fueled by adrenaline and an unwavering sense of responsibility, Andreas descended the stairs with urgency, his feet pounding against the hard surface. Despite the slight exhaustion that crept upon him, he pressed on, driven by an unyielding need to protect the legacy of Spiderman.

Finally reaching the ground level, a brief moment of exhaustion washed over him, but there was no time to dwell on weariness. Confused pedestrians turned their attention to the figure before them, questioning why Spiderman, usually soaring through the city's skyline, had now appeared on foot.

Andreas paid no heed to their queries, his focus solely fixated on the flaming building before him. With renewed determination, he dashed forward, pushing himself beyond his physical limits. Comments and questions from onlookers buzzed around him like a swarm of bees, but he filtered them out, shutting out any distraction that threatened to sway his determination.

The burning desire to rectify the situation coursed through his veins, a relentless surge of determination that drowned out the ache in his leg muscles from running without proper preparation. With every breath, it felt as if the fire within him mirrored the raging inferno that engulfed the building before him. He raced forward, heart pounding in his chest, pushing his limits as the world around him blurred into a frenzied whirlwind.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of running toward the burning building, he came to a sudden stop, just as it loomed a street distance away from him. His wide eyes remained fixated on the inferno, its magnitude far greater than he had anticipated from his distant view.

Smoke billowed into the sky, an ominous shroud that mingled with the cries and shouts of those trapped within. Countless people sprawled on the ground, some covered in ashes and dirt, having barely escaped the clutches of the merciless flames. Among them were the seriously injured, their pain-stricken bodies either sitting or lying down, blood seeping from their wounds like crimson tributaries.

"Thank God, Spidey's here!" The voices of relief from the desperate citizens pierced the chaotic atmosphere. All eyes were upon him, filled with hope and expectation, believing that he would swing into action and be their hero. But as they looked to him for salvation, Andreas found himself paralyzed, unable to move despite the urgency of the situation.

'I-I can't move.' His mind screamed in horror at the devastating scene before him. 'How can I possibly save them all?' The weight of responsibility bore down on him, the magnitude of the tragedy immobilizing his body and mind. 'Impossible, impossible, impossible' the words echoed relentlessly in his thoughts, entangling him in a web of doubt.

Desperation drove him to search for assistance, praying for the distant wails of sirens, the arrival of the courageous firefighters who would bear the burden of rescue. But his gaze found no solace; there was no sign of the fire department rushing to the scene.

His heart wavered as he looked back at the towering flames, chunks of debris plummeting from the building with a haunting thud. Doubt gnawed at his resolve, questioning the perilous path he was about to embark upon. 'Am I truly willing to risk my life to uphold my idol's legacy?' he wondered, torn between his admiration for his hero and the harsh reality of the dangerous task before him.

His trembling hand, adorned with beads of perspiration, clenched into a white-knuckled fist, the bones standing out in stark relief as he wrestled with the turmoil within him. His fingers quivered, betraying the intensity of emotions that churned like a tempest beneath the surface.

Rooted in place, he stood on the precipice of a life-changing decision, his heart pounding in his ears, drowning out all other sounds. The weight of the moment bore down upon him like an immense boulder, threatening to crush him under its unyielding pressure.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he grappled with the gravity of the choice before him, acutely aware that the path he chose now would determine the trajectory of his existence, an irreversible divergence that would shape who he would become in the future.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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