A Recognizable Thwip

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(Andreas POV)

The soft scritch-scratch of my pencil against the paper filled the room, the only sound amidst the heavy silence. My eyes were fixed on the intricate practice problem as I furrowed my brows, deep in concentration, trying to crack the practice problem without resorting to my notes. But no matter how hard I concentrated, my mind seemed to be caught in a tangled web of confusion and exhaustion.

Maybe I'm just burnt out, I mused, feeling the weight of hours upon hours of relentless study bearing down on my weary shoulders.

I glanced over at the clock stationed on the side of my cluttered desk. Its ticking hands revealed that four long hours had slipped by since I had embarked on this intense study session. My once-neat desk now resembled a battleground of chaos; notebooks sprawled open from different subjects, their pages filled with scribbled equations and theories. My half-finished glass of soda had left a ring of condensation, seeping into some stray scratch paper, leaving behind a damp mess. My calculator and periodic table, usually the epitome of organization, now lay haphazardly scattered, lending an air of disarray to the whole scene.

I suppose it's time for a break, my mind needed respite from the relentless barrage of information and problems.

Leaning back in my chair, I massaged my temples with my fingers, hoping to alleviate the dull ache that had started to throb. As I pondered how best to rest my weary mind, a vivid memory flashed before me—the intriguing item I had chanced upon in the narrow alleyway just yesterday. My gym bag, resting on the floor, caught my attention, and I decided to delve into its depths to retrieve the suit.

With a sense of anticipation, I unzipped the bag, pulling out my gym clothes, shoes, and jacket, creating a pile beside me. The object of my curiosity soon emerged—the Spidey suit, carefully folded and pristine despite its mysterious origins. I placed the bodysuit on my bed, its vibrant colors and intricate design captivating my senses.

As I picked up the mask, my fingers grazed the smooth, silky fabric, making me surprised because this was far more luxurious than I anticipated. I marveled at the quality of the material—it should cost at least a few hundred dollars.

It was inconceivable that such an expensive piece of suit would meet its demise in the cold alley. "What a waste to throw it out," I whispered to myself, lifting the mask toward the glow of the overhead light. Intricate embroidery adorned the mask, further evidence that this was no ordinary off-the-shelf costume. "It's very well made. It doesn't seem to be store-bought, so maybe it's a one-of-a-kind created by a fan?" I wondered aloud, my curiosity growing with each passing moment.

As I continued to examine the suit, I couldn't help but marvel at the attention to detail, almost as if it were meant to be worn by the real Spiderman himself. The lines, the insignia, the nuances of design—it was like a work of art.

A sudden inspiration struck me, and a grin crept across my face. I reached for my phone, eager to capture the moment. With a touch, the camera app opened, and I slipped the mask over my face, its soft fabric caressing my skin like a gentle touch. Balancing my phone above my head, I struck a pose—Spiderman's iconic web-shooting stance. With careful precision, I framed the shot, ensuring the lighting did justice to the spectacle before me. A soft click echoed as the camera's flash immortalized the moment.

"Hmm," I mused, admiring the selfie with the mask on, the excitement evident in my eyes. A soft chuckle of delight escaped my lips, "Hehe, so cool."

My heart pounded in my chest as I gazed at the rest of the suit laid out on my bed. The iconic Spiderman costume, complete with its webbed pattern and vibrant red and blue colors, beckoned me. "Maybe I should try the whole thing on," I whispered to myself, unable to resist the temptation. The picture would be seriously cool.

Carefully, I picked up the suit, feeling the soft, supple fabric under my fingertips. Slipping it on, I marveled at how the material hugged my body, offering both comfort and a sense of empowerment. It was like donning a second skin, and though the suit was somewhat tight, it fit me perfectly, as if it was tailored specifically for me.

As I wore the arm parts of the suit, I noticed something peculiar. At the palm of my hand, a button lay nestled, connected to a sleek metal tube attached to my wrist. Confusion washed over me, but it quickly disappeared as I realized what these were.

These were Spiderman's web shooters! It was common knowledge that Spidey didn't have organic webbing, relying instead on his ingenious web-shooting devices, something the public realized after hundreds of pictures and videos of Spiderman were circulated around the internet.

"This cosplay sure is nice, they even added fake web shooters," I exclaimed, my eyes widening with awe as I marveled at the level of intricate detail. The fake web shooters, unlike mere plastic replicas, gleamed with an authentic metallic sheen. It was evident that the creator of this suit was a true Spiderman aficionado.

With an exhilarating surge of excitement, I stretched my hand outward, aiming at my cabinet with precision. Little did I anticipate what would happen next. With a swift motion, I assumed Spiderman's iconic web-shooting pose, inadvertently pressing the hidden button on my palm.

A sudden, electrifying thwip sound, reminiscent of countless Spiderman videos I had watched, resonated throughout my room. It was accompanied by the release of pressurized gas, giving a sense of realism to the moment. My mind struggled to process the reality of the situation as a thick line of sticky, white fluid shot out from my wrist, gracefully soaring through the air before making solid contact with my cabinet door, producing a small, satisfying thud.

"What!?" My startled exclamation filled the room as my eyes widened in disbelief. This couldn't be real, could it? I stared at my wrist, where the webbing now dangled with a curious grace, like an otherworldly appendage of some sort.

Reflexively, I attempted to free myself from the unexpected entanglement. My free hand gripped the webbing tightly, my muscles tensing as I pulled with all my might. Unintentionally, I found myself leaning backward, almost as if I was caught in a cosmic tug-of-war with the unseen forces of Spiderman's world.

"Grrr." I gritted my teeth, my pulse racing as I strained against the unexpected resilience of the web. My eyes slightly bulged from the effort, and beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I fought to disentangle myself from the perplexing predicament.

After what seemed like an eternity, my perseverance paid off, and I finally succeeded in detaching the web from the cabinet. The release of tension sent me stumbling backward, and with a soft thud, I landed on my back, momentarily dazed by the surreal sequence of events.

The commotion wasn't over yet. My heart pounded in my chest as a heavy object hit the floor with a resonant thud, its impact reverberating through the room. I hurriedly sat up, a sense of urgency propelling me into action.

"Shit." The whispered expletive escaped my lips as my eyes widened in shock at the sight before me. A few meters away, the door of my cabinet lay on the floor, suspended by a mysterious web that had unexpectedly emerged from the cosplay suit. The intricately woven threads glistened like spun silver, defying all logical explanation.

"Andreas, what happened? Are you alright?" My dad's voice pierced the tense silence, and my heart raced as I heard the doorknob squeak. Had he heard the loud thud? Panic surged through me, and I knew I couldn't let him discover the truth of what had transpired here.

"Eeeeek!" Nervousness gripped me, urging me to keep this extraordinary secret hidden at all costs. In a desperate bid to shield the peculiar scene, I sprang to my feet, my heart pounding in my chest like a frenetic drumbeat.

Please get there in time!

The Fake Spider (Spiderman Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt