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Andreas sat up, his eyes locking onto the somewhat muscular man in his 30s as he stretched his sinewy frame. "Bouldering bright and early is good and all, but should you really be skipping school?" The man's playful tone was accompanied by a knowing grin.

"Well... um... that's..." Andreas stammered, averting his gaze and grappling for words. "That's..." His voice trailed off as he began to think about his situation 'I did my best and got to a prestigious school like my dad hoped for, but I can't keep up at all'.

Memories of all the late nights he stayed up studying just to end up failing freshly remained in his mind. The reason he came here is to escape from reality, it's all he can hope to do because he doesn't have any friends.

"I said something bad, didn't I?" The man asked in concern as he noticed Andreas' expression, making Andreas quickly shake his head as he said it was fine.

The man's concerned eyes lingered for a moment longer before he left, setting off on a climb that seemed to stretch into eternity. Andreas followed, feeling the minutes slipping away like sand through his fingers.


Exiting the gym, Andreas found himself meandering through the bustling streets of the city, his phone held loosely in his hand. With a casual swipe, he liked a captivating post featuring Spiderman on social media. The sounds of traffic and the chatter of people formed a backdrop to his aimless amble.

Just as he was about to pass by a narrow alleyway, an ominous voice pierced the air, jolting Andreas from his reverie. "We told you to have it ready for us, didn't we?" The aggression in the voice sent a shiver down his spine, and he instinctively took a step back, seeking refuge behind a nearby wall, his curiosity getting the better of him as he peeked to see what was unfolding.

In the dimly lit alley, three figures came into view: two towering men exuding an aura of menace, and a shorter, plump boy with blond hair—the unfortunate target of their torment.

Recognition dawned upon him like a sudden revelation. 'That's Joe, he's from my class,' Andreas realized with a mix of surprise and concern as he observed the overweight boy being bullied.

A pang of empathy shot through him as he saw Joe's tear-filled eyes, trembling body, and desperate gaze shifting from the tormentors to Andreas, as if seeking a glimmer of hope in the chaos.

Fear gripped Andreas like a vise as he instinctively hid behind the nearest wall. 'What do I do? He noticed me,' his mind raced, panic tightening its grip. He scanned the area, desperately hoping to find someone, anyone, who could help. But there was no one around, and the realization sank in that he had to make a choice - flee or intervene.

Andreas stood frozen, torn between the desire to help and the overwhelming fear that gripped his heart. His mind raced with thoughts of what he would do, but before he could decide, a notification on his phone interrupted his thinking with a ding. He glanced at the screen, and the notification quickly vanished, leaving behind the article he had been reading about Spiderman.

He gazed at his idol on the screen, a beacon of hope and justice 'If it were Spidey, at a time like this, he wouldn't hesitate!'

Drawing strength from that thought, he screamed inwardly, willing himself to break free from the shadows of doubt. With his fist clenched in determination, he emerged from his hiding place behind the wall, casting off the shackles of fear that held him captive. Without waiting for another moment, he sprinted towards the bullies, his heart now resolute in its purpose.

Yet, as he closed in, the sickening sound of a fist meeting flesh shattered the air, and Andreas came to an abrupt halt. There, before him, stood Joe, a portrait of suffering, while the bullies wore cruel smirks, reveling in their twisted power. Blood sprayed in all directions as the barrage of blows rained upon Joe's defenseless form. Andreas's breaths became shallow and ragged, and his eyes widened with horror and disbelief. He wanted to act, to intervene and shield Joe from the torment, but his legs betrayed him, refusing to move, as if the ground beneath them had turned to quicksand.

Time seemed to slow as he stood there, a spectator to Joe's torment. Each second felt like an eternity, and the weight of his inaction pressed heavily upon his shoulders. Guilt gnawed at his conscience, and the disappointment in himself was unbearable.

Finally, after a few minutes passed, the bullies stopped beating Joe, turning their gaze back to the street as they planned to leave. They caught sight of Andreas, who stood there frozen with a fearful expression on his face, making the bullies laugh as they began to leave.

"You're a useless idiot," one of the bullies jeered, breaking the oppressive silence.

"Yeah, next time, try saving someone worth your time," the other chimed in, their laughter piercing through Andreas's heart like a thousand needles.

Andreas clenched his eyes shut, the weight of those cutting words pushing him further into a pit of guilt and self-blame. He turned away, his heart heavy with the burden of his inaction. However, a faint rustling sound amidst the debris caught his attention, and he quickly turned back, his ears attuned to the heavy breaths of someone nearby.

His gaze fell upon Joe, a heartbreaking sight. Bruises adorned his face, blood trailed from his nose, and his limping form spoke of the pain he endured. Andreas felt a mix of emotions swirling within him, he didn't know what to say. Should he console him? Apologize? He didn't know what to do.

"Are... umm... sorr...I," Andreas stammered, his words stumbling over one another, his eyes avoiding direct contact with Joe, ashamed of his own cowardice.

Surprisingly, Joe's response was filled with compassion, catching Andreas off guard. "Don't worry about it," Joe said with a gentle tone, his understanding eyes locked onto Andreas. "I didn't get my hopes up anyway."

Those words pierced Andreas's heart like a knife. He expected anger, resentment, and hatred from Joe for his failure to intervene. But Joe's understanding nature was almost unbearable. It amplified the weight of Andreas's remorse, for he knew he didn't deserve such kindness. He remained rooted to the spot, feeling like a statue frozen in time while Toby started walking away.

As Joe's figure receded into the distance, Andreas battled with the tempest of emotions raging within him. He felt torn between wanting to chase after Joe and beg for forgiveness and feeling like he didn't deserve a second chance. Guilt gnawed at his soul, and he cursed himself for not having the courage to act when it mattered most.

He stood there, rooted in the same spot for the next few minutes, allowing the turmoil of his thoughts to gradually subside. As a sense of calm washed over him, Andreas resumed his walk, glancing momentarily at the alleyway where Joe had been beaten up. Amidst the debris, something caught his eye – a familiar school ID.

"Could this be Joe's?" he wondered, bending down to pick up the ID and examine it closely. Sure enough, it bore Joe's name and school details. "I'll return this to him," Andreas muttered.

As he prepared to leave the alleyway, something else piqued his curiosity. A piece of cloth, seemingly from a spandex outfit, lay hidden behind a garbage bin. Intrigued, he reached out and picked it up, revealing a vibrant red and blue spandex costume adorned with intricate black webs. A silver spider emblem adorned the center, and his heart skipped a beat as he recognized it instantly.

"This... this is..." he stammered in disbelief, his eyes widening in shock. It was unmistakable – the iconic suit of Spiderman, the legendary hero of New York City.

The Fake Spider (Spiderman Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now