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Main characters:

Aaliyah Styles
Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan
Emilia Greece
Zayn Malik
Liam Payne
Harry Styles

Aaliyah's POV:

I woke up with a headache, the annoyingly bright spring sun blaring in through the slits of my blinds.
I heard my phone buzz, and saw a text from my brother, Harry.

Hey Aaliyah, would you
like to come on tour with me
and the boys? I know how hard
home is for you - H x

I looked down at my phone, a smile appearing on my face. I'd finally be able to get out of Holmes chapel for a while.

Of course I would, when should
I come on tour with you? X

I can fly you over tomorrow if you
like, we have around 5 months left - H x

I'll start packing, thank you so much H x

It's no problem, love you - H x

I got up, definitely needing a long shower, and made my way to the bathroom. After my shower I walked to the kitchen for some reason still yawning.

I opened the fridge and got myself some milk then I made coco pops. Childish I know, but coco pops just hit different.

I scrolled through instagram and saw a post from Harry with all of his bandmates.
I've met Niall of course, and Zayn, but I hadn't met Louis or Liam.

I was excited though, definitely.

I packed a huge suitcase with my bras, pants, shirts and jeans and other random clothing items, my makeup, skincare and some different shoes.

I can't lie, from Harry's instagram picture one of those band mates stood out. I've always found Louis kind of attractive but never mentioned to anyone, especially not Harry.

Harry is the very protective sort of brother, and I can't imagine what he'd do if he found out that I liked or even if I wanted to date Louis.

It'd probably be worse if Louis felt the same, on his behalf.

I spent most of my day on my sofa and watching TV, sometimes texting Niall or Harry or my absolute best friend, Emilia.

You're actually going on tour with
1D? Lucky bitch!! Xx

It's just H and his silly mates,
It's nothing big, to be honest.

But what about the fat crush you
have on Louis?

I don't know, maybe it'll pass like a cold

I sighed, throwing my phone beside me and watching skins.

I laid on my sofa for a lot more time, thinking about what would happen in the next five months. I went into a daze, thinking about Louis. How could I, I haven't even met the guy!

But all of the instagram photos were so.. ugh.
I was scrolling on Louis' account when I accidentally liked a picture of him shirtless.

I tried to unlike it but my phone suddenly died.


I sighed, plugging my phone in and praying to any god that he hasn't seen it, and decided to make myself some garlic pasta for dinner.

My phone finally started turning on, and when I saw my notifications I had a heart attack.

@louist91 had started following you.

Well, didn't expect this to happen but hopefully nothing comes of it.
Until I got a dm, and I opened it to see:

hey, your hazza's sister right?

the one and only :)

it'll be nice meeting you
tomorrow, also I see you
liked my picture ;)

accident ;) and yes i can't wait to meet u

sure, sure ;)

shutup louis >:/

fineee ;~) cya tomorrow
though im excited (:

me too, bye louiss :)

bye alli ;)

Oh my god. The wink faces. The fact he noticed that I was scrolling through his shirtless pictures.

What is going on today?

Anyways, I headed for bed, snuggling into the warm touch of the duvet, thinking about Louis again. 'He looks like he'd be good at cuddling' I though, as I tried to sleep.


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