Chapter Nine

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So I typed this whole chapter up, but then it got deleted so I had to type it all up again which is why it took longer than usual. Thanks for anybody reading this far! I really appreciate it. Don't forget to comment/vote/tweet/facebook/fan/add to library :D


Arina had woken up early that morning for no reason in particular and it had only taken her a second to realise what had happened to the hair she so dearly cared for. 

The wads of hair piled on her pillow were a clear indication of the events that had occurred whilst Arina had been asleep- and it was obvious who had done it. At first she had thought it was Zoe but then realised Zoe was not sly and conniving enough to do such a thing.

Arina delicately placed her cold fingers on her dark, shredded hair. She couldn’t believe that somebody would stoop so low as to sabotage her personal appearance. She suddenly felt tears overcoming her. It sounded pathetic and immature to have cried over her hair, but it wasn't that that brought on the tears; it was the fact that Natalie hated her to such an extent that she would do something like that. Arina just couldn't understand; why did Natalie despise her so much? Did she not understand that Arina didn't mean for anything bad to happen to her?

Natalie lay silently in her bed. She was still asleep even though light was now beginning to shine through the window. Arina had the urge to do something to Natalie, in return to what Natalie did to her but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. 

Though she had changed immensely since she had arrived at the building, she did not want to become something as evil as some of these girls were to her. She hadn't been able to control herself in past situations such as when she had had that fight with Zoe, but she didn't want that anymore. She knew fighting back would only make them more aggressive towards her. She quickly wiped her tears away. 

               "Girls!" Kos yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Arina knew that it was time to get up; hearing Kos's voice at that time in the morning everyday was almost like an alarm to her. Natalie still didn't move from her bed; she was in deep sleep. It was only when Kos entered the room that Natalie woke up with a start.

               "What on earth happened to you?!" Kos shouted as she barged into the room. She stared at Arina's mismatched hair. Natalie sat up in her bed with a smirk.

               "Well go on- what happened to your hair?" Kos reinforced her question when she saw Arina wasn't answering. 

               "She done it in the night." Both Kos and Arina looked at Natalie who had just said that. They both scrunched their eyebrows waiting for a further explanation.  "She said she wanted a new look, or somethin'. I told her not to. She just wouldn't listen," Natalie added finally.

Arina couldn't believe what she was hearing. How dare Natalie do this to her and then blame it on her? How absurd was that?

               "I don't believe it! Is that true Arina?! Did you do this to yourself?" Kos questioned. She knew better than to believe Natalie straight away. 

Although Arina was angry beyond belief, she didn't want to tell what Natalie did. She didn't want to make Natalie even more angry.

               "Yes," she said almost as quiet as a mute.

Natalie let out a cough in shock. She couldn't believe Arina actually went with it.

               "Why would you want a new look, my dear?" Kos's voice turned soft. She sat beside Arina on the bed stroking her hair. "Look, you've got it all over your bed." 

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