Chapter 2:What funny kids you have

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The idol industry, and media industry in general, wasn't an easy one. There were a lot of things that could go wrong. There was also a lot of toxicity.

One of those things would be the girl you scouted as an idol getting pregnant at sixteen. However, lives go on even for a man that had to deal with such an ordeal.

This man had spiky blonde hair and growing facial hair, his eyes most of the time covered by a pair of sunglasses he liked to wear so much. His name was Saitou Ichigo.

It was a lot of work, but with effort and an hospital in a remote village, the twins were brought into the world with no problems

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It was a lot of work, but with effort and an hospital in a remote village, the twins were brought into the world with no problems. Although there was the strange thing that the doctor suddenly dissapeared.

But at the end of the day, Ai really was something. Even with having kids and hiding them from the media she still managed to perform incredibly as an idol despise being so young and her situation.

He offered her to drink with him at the celebration of her last achievment she had. Sadly, his wife said she's not the drinking age yet and that she needs to wait.

He didn't really see what was the big problem. She was gonna be twenty in a week anyway.

As he was thinking about that he heard his phone ringing and looked who's calling him. Speak of the idol prodigy.

Ichigo:Yo, Ai. What's the matter? Did the kids do something invredible again?

Ai:Nope! Bur he and the kids thought it's a good idea to inform you.

Ichigo:He? What happened?

Ai:Ah, you see, I was almost killed.


When Aqua went ouside to see why Ai was out for so long he expected a lot of things. However, he didn't expect what he saw at all.

A man was uncounscious on the floor, his right arm mangled. Another was calmly talking with Ai with a smile on his face despise having an knife stabbed deeply into his heart.

To top it all off, when Ai offered to prepare something as a show of gratitude this Kumagawa guy just took the knife out and offered it to her. Did he really want her to cook with a knife that he was stabbed with?

No, forget about that. That's not even the most strange thing here.

Unknown to anyone but Ruby, Aqua is actually an reincarnation. He was an doctor in his past life, an fact bot even Ruby knows.

As such, he knows taking the weapon out of the wound immediatly isn't the best option, as it stopped the bleeding. On that note, how did this guy not die of blood lose yet.

How be didn't die immediatly could also be a question, but people can still survive for a short time after their heart stopped. However, this guy should definetly be dead by now.

Also, with his experience as a doctor he can say that there's no fixing the other guy's arm. It'd just be better to amputate it and get a prosphetic.

Fortunately, they were briefed on what happened not long ago. He decided that the uncounscious giy should just continue to suffer.

But Kumagawa should at least get dizzy by now. Losing color of his skin, which would be hard to tell because he's pretty pale to begin with.

He should at least bandage the wound...Wait, where's the wound.

There's not even any blood on him or even a tear in his clothes! What the hell!?

Some question should definetly be asked at this point. Unfourtunately, he was the only one in this house lossesing common sense.

A fact deminstrated when his sister jumped on the table and took a holier than thou face. Oh boy, he can already guess what the idiot was trying to do...

Ruby:I am the incranation of Amaterasu. I thank you for saving the one who has been blessed by the gods, but...

However, Ruby was pushed off the table with a poke of a finger belonging of the man she tried to fool. He didn't try to came to her aid because Kumagawa didn't seem to be angry at her, but rather amused.

Aqua:Ruby, maybe that could've worked whe we were babies, but it's a lost cause now.

Ruby:Awww! That really hurt! Why would you be so violent with a little girl.

Honestly, Aqua thought Ruby was asking for it and that she was lucky. Ruby didn't see what happened to the man that tried to attack Ai, but he saw and was sure things would be much worse if Kumagawa wanted to be violent.

Kumagawa:[You're rather bold, eh? It wouldn't be a surprise if you get striked down the next time you go to a Shinto shrine.]

Ruby:W...Wait! Amaterasu-sama, you know I never meant something bad by that, right! I was only trying to help mama! I'm a good girl!

Ruby pleaded to the heavens for forgivness. She was reincarnated, so she doesn't want to get the short end of the stick if gods are actually real.

Aqua:I thank you for saving Ai, but who are you anyway?

Kumagawa:[You seem to have experience a child shouldn't have. Ah, I see...]

Kumagawa giggled while staring at the two, making them uncounfortable. His next words made the both of them to freeze.



Aqua:How do you...

Kumagawa:[Anshin'in-san said something about leaving a chance with that skill of hers around in the past. About how...Alright, kids! Buckle up! Your visiting minus is gonna tell you a story!]

Than he proceeded to tell them about the abnormals, Hakoniwa and most importantly the Impartial Not-Equal. When he finished he was meet by dead stares.

Aqua:That's ridiculous. Something like that can't be real.

Ruby:What novel did you take that from?

Kumagawa:[Eh? You aren't able to believe that evfn thought you're reincarnated? So closeminded.]

Ruby:You're weird! You didn't even change your face all this time! It pisses me off!

Kumagawa:[Oh? Does that bother you? Ah, I wish you could've told me that earlier...]

Kumagawa moved his hand up and covered his face with his palm. His fingers stabbed into his skin until he got to the muscles.

He pulled and his entire face was ripped off. Blood leaked from his exposed musculature of the face and despise all of this he was still smiling, letting his face fell on the floor like a worthless piece of trash.

As the door creacked all those horrific actions were undone and Kumagawa was once again looking perfectly normal. However, the twins were still away from him hugging each other with tears threatening to spill from their eyes.

Ai:I'm done! Sorry if you got bored waiting.

Kumagawa:[Oh, not at all! Your kids are a really good company. They're funny!]

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