Chapter 1: Being an idol can be dangerous

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Humans are capable of a large range of emotions and we have come with definitions for each of them, but...What is love?

Certainly, from a cold point of analysis love is tge feeling of deep affection towards a certain someone. Be it familiar, platonic or romantic. However, love wasn't quiet so simple.

After all, love differs from person to person. It can be affection. It can be loyalty. It can be obsession. It can be belonging. But love can also be...A lie.

While that idea might be rejected by the common person, love can be made by lies. You can deceive others into loving you. However, for someone to consider that an absolute form of love that person should be selfish as well as twisted.

But there is no mistake that there are people like that. One being an popular idol, for example.

She was an woman with purple hair and violet eyes with two star marks on her pupils. Her name was Hoshino Ai.

Now, while she does great as idol Ai would be the first to admit she wasn't exactly a great thinker

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Now, while she does great as idol Ai would be the first to admit she wasn't exactly a great thinker. She was ambitious, yes, but also quiet reckless.

Well, she wasn't an idiot either. She had a great memory, although she was bad with names.

Her idol career wasn't done because she had a great admiration towards idols or wanted to get rich quick. No, it was because she wanted to find an target, an objectifications, for her love.
Although she didn't really have such a deep relationship or even many friends, even her group collegues of B-Komachi were only work related...The director was her friend, right?

Anyway, she actually did have a boyfriend. Until he got her pregnant and then they ended their relationship, never seeing him again since...

She was also sixteen at the time. Yeah, she was really reckless, without a doubt.

However, that hadn't affected her badly by any means. She actually gave birth to twins.

Did she love them? Well, she wasn't really sure...Her emotional state is kind of fucked up.

But she knew that she greatly treasured her children. An boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, a star mark decorating his right eye, who she named Hoshino Aquamarine or Aqua for short. By his side a girl with pink eyes, this time the mark on her left eye, who she named Hoshino Ruby.

 By his side a girl with pink eyes, this time the mark on her left eye, who she named Hoshino Ruby

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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