"I didn't know you were into these things" Declan says, that smile from before back on his face.

"Neither did I" I confess, pushing him against the sofa and forcing him to sit down.

"Now what?" he asks while licking his lips, looking at me in a way that makes me want to do what I've planned even more.

"Well... I think I'm wearing too many clothes. I won't be needing any of this" I shrug, starting to get undressed.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you look when you are naked?" he asks, his eyes following my every move.

"A few times" I chuckle.

"Then allow me to remind you that you are gorgeous, Eleanor. With clothes too, don't get me wrong. But like this..." he says, slowly looking from my toes all the way up until our eyes meet. "Like this... I don't know. It's like you were carved by the Gods."

"Ok, enough flattering" I laugh. "Let's get my revenge going."

"Revenge? I thought we were going to fuck."

"Me? Maybe. You... Probably not."

"What? What does that mean?"

"Right or left?"


"Answer me, Declan."

"Right, I don't know. What are you going to do, Eleanor?"

"Left it is" I say, sitting on his leg and pulling his boxers all the way up.


"Yes?" I smile.

"Are you going to do what I think you are going to do?"

"Ride your tigh while you can't touch me? I am, yes."

"Fucking hell" he laughs.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I must focus."

"If you allowed me to touch you, you wouldn't need to focus. And it'll be easier to get what you want."

"But you don't deserve to touch me" I say, starting to move my hips against him.

"What if you can't do it on your own?"

"I've done it before."

"With whom? Damiano?"

"Yes" I nod.

"You know, one day you should tell me everything you did with him. We may be missing something good."

"Shut up, Declan."

"Losing your focus?" he smirks.

"Shut... Up."

"You are bitting your lip."


"You do that when you want to moan but you can't."

"Nonse... Nonsense."

"C'mon, Eleanor. You said you could do it on your own, right? Let it all out, show me that you don't need me. Or at least not all of me."

"Fuck... You" I say, that you getting mixed with a moan as I'm not able to contain myself anymore.

"Good girl" he smirks. "You can do it, keep going."

"Stop it" I whisper.

"That hurts" he hisses when I dig my nails on his neck, moving my hips faster.


"Does this mean that you are close?"

I try to answer him, but I'm just able to nod, another moan leaving my lips.

"You are" he chuckles. If after that he says anything else or keeps teasing me, I don't hear it.


"Now what?" Declan asks. "I have another leg, so if you want to go there again, do it now. I'm starting to not feel my arms."

"Sorry" I say, my head resting on his shoulder.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

"Very much" I smile.

"Then what? Are you planning on going riding again or..."

"Maybe" I say, lifting my head. "How is your other leg feeling? The one in the middle, I mean."

"Asking for help like my arms."

"Then you are gonna have to choose. What do you prefer, being free, right leg or the one in the middle?"

"Being free and the one in the middle?"

"Nope. Just one thing."

"You are bosy tonight, aren't you?" he chuckles.

"This is what you get for doing what you did earlier."

"Turning you on while having dinner with your parents?" he smirks.


"What did you want me to do, Eleanor? Your legs were asking to be touched, and I hadn't seen you in weeks. I couldn't help myself!"

"Which is what is happening right now. You can't help yourself."

"So funny" Declan says, rolling his eyes.

"I can help you, tho. So choose."

"I don't know... Whatever tickles your pickle."

"My what?" I laugh.

"Never heard that before?"

"Nope" I laugh again. "But you are the one who has a pickle that is tickling. Should I take care of it?"

"What are you suggesting, your Royal Highness?" he smirks.

"I'm in the mood to go riding again. Will you come with me?"

"Eleanor!" he laughs.

"You have such a dirty mind, Declan Rice " I say, rolling my eyes. "But are you? Yes or no?"

"There's only one way to find out."

"Ok" I say, standing up and pulling down his boxers before straddling him.

"I love you, you know?"

"Are you going all cheesy to make me free your arms?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"Maybe... Is it working?"

"It is, yes" I say, giving him a peck before getting rid of the belt. "Better now?"

"So much better. But I wouldn't mind giving it another go some time" he says, grabbing me by my butt and pulling me closer to him, both of us gasping with the movement.

"Another time. Now we have other things to do."

"We do" he says before kissing me as if his life depended on it.


That following year can only be described as one of the happiest in my life.

Everything in our relationship was perfect, and Declan had one of the best seasons of his career. Even things with my mum were better. But little did we know...

The Princess & the Football PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now