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Beatrice sat at the edge of the portal like monture. A single tear left her eye, more threatening to fall. She looked off into the distance, her body language giving off nothing but pain, heartbreak evident in her eyes. She scanned over the blood that belonged to Michael, his now lifeless body discarded beside it.

She snapped out of her trance when she heard a small step. Lilith. Her eyes darted up to the tall demon-like woman, she wanted to fight, to stand up and venge Ava, but she physically could not, the pain of letting the woman she loved go was far more extravagant than her want for violence in that moment, sure, she wanted to beat Lilith to the ground and make her regret it, but she also helped Bea bring Ava to the ark. She had mixed feelings, but the largest was evident on her face.

She closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath, but as she opened her eyes again, she was no longer sat in front of the ark, instead she was staring up at what looked like a ceiling, the back of her head throbbing ever so slightly in pain. She groaned, adjusting to the bright sunlight peering in through a large window.

"Beatrice?" A soft, slightly high-pitched voice made the nun turn her head. "Hey, Camila." Beatrice spoke lowly, not understanding what was going on, was she dreaming? was everything that happened with Ava a dream? was Ava even real? her mind started to spiral with questions about the halo bearer, but they were quickly interrupted. "You passed out at the Ark, we heard about Ava, I truly hope you are okay, Beatrice. How are you feeling?" Concern laced the curly-haired girl's voice, it was potentially the most serious she had heard the girl talk.

The nun lifted herself into a sitting position, groaning as she felt the throbbing on the back of her head intensify. "My head hurts." She finally said, her right hand meeting the back of her head, after the short minute of silence. Camila took an ice pack and a glass of water off the nightstand beside the bed Beatrice was lying in. "I figured, you fell backwards when you passed out, so you hit your head on the ark. Here." She pressed the cold pack on the back of the nun's head as she passed her the water.

Beatrice thanked her, replacing Camila's hand with her own, her fingers twitched slightly at the cold. She took a small sip from the glass, and reality settled back in, Ava was gone. "I'm going to let you get some rest, call me if you need anything, alright?" Camila smiled softly at her friend, who nodded in return, taking another sip of the water.


For the next week, Beatrice barely left her bed, Mother superion had even come in to check on her, as she was worried. It was currently Wednesday, exactly a week after she lost Ava. She sighed, sitting up. 'Come on, Bea. Ava wouldn't be proud of how you're reacting.' She told herself, and so she acted on it. She pushed herself out of her bed and took a well-needed shower, for 30 minutes she stood under the steamy water, tears prickled at her eyes but never fell. She then made her way to her room and began packing a bag, she had made her mind up, she couldn't live like this, Ava wouldn't want that.

She walked down a long hallway and to the end, where the divinium sword led in a glass box, she smiled sadly, pulling the cross off her neck and placing it in front of the box. What she didn't notice though, when she turned around, was the shiny blue colour the sword's blade took.

She stepped out of the large stone building, reminiscing on her time there, how she had made a family, who felt more like family than her own blood did. How they accepted they had made her feel. She walked up to Mother's superion and Camila. The tall leader's eyes softened as she saw Beatrice. "Beatrice, what a delight it is to see you out of bed, would you like to help out today, or would you like to continue resting?" The nun smiled at Mother superions affection. "I'm sorry, Mother superion, I am leaving." Camila's eyes widened, "WHAT?" She leapt towards Bea.

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