it hurts!

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I was getting bullied by my classmate since I was 5 years old and never told anyone not even my family, it was so hard I'd be crying everyday when I'm left alone but look strong Infront of everybody. It was really tough for me to handle it as a little kid .I really wish bullies will be erased from this whole world . So that no child go through what I went through.
tell them I suffered
.tell them I cried
and was affected by what they said
you're nothing, you're a failure
and a lot of awful words
tell them it hurts!

tell the ones who says childhood is the best
.that for me it was the worst
they'd say it's not! You're being dramatic
tell them for me it wasn't fantastic!
tell them it hurts!

I spent it hurting spent it crying
from all my classmates hearing bullying
I hated them , hated my looks
but what killed me is the thaught of hating myself!
tell them it hurts !

you made me feel damaged
you made me feel worthless
I was disgusted by myself
And I felt nothing but loneliness
tell them it hurts !

there was sometimes they didn't consider me their enemy
and I feared they're gonna turn against me
and once they got the chance they'd start making fun of me
Tell them it hurts!

They remind me of monsters
but they are under masks
Infront of everybody they hide their real selves
but alone they'd do some things no one ever deserves
to hear to feel or even hunt them in their dreams
tell them it hurts!


No one deserves to go through this , people should be kind to each other support each other not making their life miserable

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