Feelings of jealousy

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"Would you look at that! Never thought I would say the day when Iguro and Tomioka would get along! Flamboyant!"


Iguro and I turned around to see Uzui standing directly behind us with a large grin on his face. What was he doing here?

"Uzui-san..." Iguro muttered.

"I thought I was seeing things when I saw the two of you together, but the two of you are talking to each other!" Uzui yelled.

"Please... I'm only speaking with him because I'm waiting for someone, and we happened to be at the same time..." Iguro explained.

"But still! The fact that your talking ... it's... Flamboyant!" Uzui repeated.

Iguro just rolled his eyes at Uzui's remarks.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm glad you asked!" Uzui replied before taking a seat next to where Iguro and I were sitting.

He could be here on a shopping trip just like Kocho was, but if that was the case, I'm sure his wives would be with him. Perhaps he came here to buy a gift for them or just relax given the break Oyakata-sama gave us.

"Hey, waiter! Over here!" Uzui Yelled.

The waiter quickly rushed over to our table.

"I would like a flamboyant shot of alcohol please!" Uzui requested.

"Hai.... is that all for you?" The waiter asked.


"What about you two gentlemen?" the waiter asked the two of us.

"I'm fine..." I declined.

"Don't be like that Tomioka-san! We'll be sitting here for a while! We have important matters to discuss." Uzui spoke.

I see. Uzui-san is not here for a break or just to look around. He has a genuine reason to be here. Could it be a mission? Have the demons started to come back after their brief slumber?

"I'll just take a cup of tea..." I requested.

"Alright... and what about you?" The waiter pointed at Iguro.

"No thank you..." Obani declined.

"Even Tomioka-san ordered! don't be like that!" Uzui nudged.

"I promised I would dine with Mitsuri later tonight...." Iguro revealed.

"Ah! I knew it! I figured you were here for Mitsuri!" Uzui commented.

"shut it.." Iguro bluntly stated.

With that, the waiter left to get our orders. I wonder what Uzui-san wanted to discuss with us.

"So, what is the important matter you wanted to talk about..." Iguro asked.

"Well... to put it simply, the demon attacks have possibly started again... unflamboyantly," Uzui revealed.

It seems I was right. The demon attacks have started again, I'm surprised Oyakata-sama hasn't announced it yet. Maybe he only typically told Uzui since it's not confirmed the attacks have started again. Uzui, with his shinobi skills, would be the best one to blend in and investigate the attacks.

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