The flaws we share

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"T-Tomioka-sama..." I heard my name get called.

I turn around to see it was Kanao, Kocho's little sister.

"yes?" I questioned.

"There's something really important you need to know.... c-can we speak in private..?" She asked, but her voice was struggling to stay stable.

I am softy pat her head.

"Slow down.... tell me what is so important?" I asked.

"It's... it's... about Master Shinobu... please I need to talk to you in private." She pleaded as she was almost on the verge of tears.

Kocho... what did you do...

"What happened?" I asked.

"I can't say it here, if master here's me, she will be upset...please follow me" Kanao timidly spoke.

I started following Kanao. This was strange, Kanao was typically a quiet person who didn't speak much and only spoke to her sister, so for her to speak to me meant it was serious. On top of that, I can see that she is on the verge of tears, something that is also uncharacteristic of her. She often has an indifferent face. She reminds me of my old self sometimes, quiet and doesn't talk much.

She broke out of her shell when she met Tanjiro, those too went on to have a good life in the old timeline. I hope something similar happens along the lines here as well. They complement each other well.

Even so, she's more open and emotional than in the previous timeline, I know Tanjiro must have already helped her, but I can't imagine her changing this quickly. This leads me to believe something Kocho did or say that caused her to finally break out of her shell and speak to me. However, I can't imagine Kocho saying something rude or disrespecting her, Kanao means the world to her, she's the most important person in her life right now.

She seems to be upset not because of something said towards her, but something Kocho said that she didn't like. There's only one thing I can think of she might have said that upset her, but it can't be about the poison, right? It's way too early, I don't think she started poisoning herself right now, but then again, I wasn't aware of her entire plan until her death. Perhaps she did start this early.

I shouldn't jump to conclusions, maybe it's not about the poison. Kocho is a complex person, after all, maybe she did something else that caused her to be upset.

As I was following Kanao, she started going towards the area of the mansion that was often never used. The storage area. I'm pretty sure only Aoi comes here from time to time to grab supplies for the mansion. If she's taking me here to talk about it, it must be really important. I can't think of anything else but the poison.

"H-here..." Kanao guided me into the storage room.

I sat down on one of the rice bags as Kanao closed the door before taking a seat herself. She looked down for a moment, perhaps in emotion. She's gathering her composure. It's best If I don't start asking questions, I'll let her talk at her own pace.

Though it is odd to see Kanao so emotional this early, other than Kocho, there must be something else that caused it, I wonder what?

"T-Tomioka-sama..." She called out.


"Master... s-she told me something earlier this week..." She started.

Earlier in the week? I wasn't here then, so this happened when I was gone. Neither was Tanjiro, she must have dealt with this herself and kept it to herself for the past couple of days.

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