Chapter 2

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Detroit had been the destination Rachel set for their journey to anywhere. The sun seemed to have been hiding behind clouds, like it could feel their worlds crumble. Clouds looked over them, holding in showers of tears.

Jordan had been staring at nothing for four hours, a blank mind and heavy heart weighing on her shoulders. The bags under eyes had grown with the lack of sleep, wariness rendering her mind restless.

"Rachel," she whispered gently as the bus slowed to a stop. "Rachel." The girl stirred awake, her eyes squinting out the window. "We're here. Come on." Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she stood, waiting for the girl's yawning marathon before they made their way off the bus.

Hearing the high pitched squeal of the vehicle moving off, the two glanced back at it before their eyes met. Both knew it was too late to turn back now. And with their limited supply of money, they couldn't afford a room, opting to roaming the streets, admiring the hundred floor buildings.

With the night sky hanging over their heads, the two stopped to rest. Rachel had fallen asleep on her shoulder, with Jordan too paranoid to even shut her eyes. She wasn't sure if it was the weed, lack of sleep, or the man in the ally across the street secretly eyeing them. His face morphed into Kelly's, feeling a guilt gnawing at her chest. But she kept telling herself it was to survive.

They had both ended up in a homeless shelter, inhaling the sloppy food that was served. Jordan slipped one of the small pills into her mouth, knowing she needed a clear head. But it seemed that would be impossible either way. She was unable to bare her own mind.

"I'll give my compliments to the chef." A dark-skinned woman sat in the empty space in front of them, a friendly smile in her teeth. Her hair was short and bleached into twists. Leaving the talking to Rachel, the girl clutched her bag under her arm, downing her cup of water. "My name is Sally. I work here." She showed her ID card.

Jordan looked over at her sister, purple streaks frizzed and untamed. She didn't want to imagine her own hair, a nest of blue and black knots. She eyed the woman, something not feeling right. Near five other teenagers in the room, some sitting alone, but she chose them.

"First, I don't need to know who you are or how you got here, okay? What I really care about is keeping girls your age off the streets." A sincerity was in her eyes. But there was something else. Or perhaps the girl had read too many comic books when high. Always seeing things that weren't there. Perhaps she was losing her mind. Perhaps it was already lost.

The woman offered to take them to a youth shelter with the notion it was better than their current situation.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Jordan questioned, glancing at Rachel who eyed the woman herself.

"You don't. But I'm here to help." The two looked at each other, an entire conversation held within their eyes. Rachel gave her a soft nod, a reassuring smile forced onto her face.

They followed the woman out the glass doors, Jordan snaking her fingers into her sister's. She tightened her grip when the woman gestured to the ally by the building.

"Shortcut." The blue-haired girl looked down the narrow path, a thin fog engulfing the way. She could sense something wasn't right. Or maybe it was the smell of urine and vermin that troubled her mind. She saw the hesitancy in Rachel's movements, blowing air thought her teeth with confirmation that this was not the wisest decision. But she followed the older girl's lead.

Sally spoke about her life, no doubt trying to establish a level of trust with the two. How she had ended up on the streets, much like them. Rachel's head snapped to the side, staring into the broken mirror leaning on the bricked walls, glancing behind them. Jordan followed her eyes, spotting the hooded figure. She thought he would follow them, like every hooded figure in every movie ever, but he stopped, leaning over a trolly.

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