Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"You look beautiful," Joe says to Lamia before his arms chummy around her waist in greeting.

"Thanks," Lamia, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Where are the kids?" Joe asked as he looks around the parking lot.

"They couldn't come, busy schedules," Lamia answered as the embrace lingers for a while, then when they finally pull away.

"Oh," Joe said a little sad that none of his kids were able to come but he understood they have busy lives.

"They'll make it up to you," Lamia told him.

Joe and Lamia walk into the building.

"So, what are we doing here?" Lamia asked Joe.

"I'm thinking of opening an athletic shoe, clothing, and related accessories store," Joe answered.

Lamia smiled.

"Okay, businessman," Lamia said.

"I need your help though, I don't know anything about building and decorating so if you could help with that. That would be great," Joe said.

"Of course, I'll help you," Lamia said.

Joe extends his hand and Lamia weaves her fingers through his. They both smile as he closes their fingers together and lifts her hand to his lips.

"Thank you," Joe said.

"You're welcome," Lamia said.

Lamia and Joe spend the next hour walking around the building, talking about the look and layout Joe wants for the store. Lamia gives him a few suggestions and opinions about how he should have the store set up and how long everything will take with the right construction team and vendors.

"So, do you have a timeframe for when you want the store to be open or are you just going with the flow?" Lamia asked Joe.

Joe sighed.

"I'm stuck between wanting to open it by April 2024 or letting it open whenever we get everything finished," Joe answered.

Lamia nods.

"I think we need to find you a contractor first and make sure the building is up to code and ready to go then we figure out the timeframe," Lamia tells him.

"Yeah, but we're not using that guy you worked with," Joe told Lamia.

Lamia shakes her head.

"I wasn't suggesting him in the first place," Lamia said.

"So, what else are we doing today?" Joe asked Lamia.

"Well, I have nothing planned for today," Lamia answered, caressing his back.

"We could take advantage of this place," Joe said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Lamia smirked.

"A quickie in here?" Lamia asked.

"Yes," Joe answered as his hands squeezed her ass as he kissed her shoulders.

"I've always wanted to have sex in an office," Lamia said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her tippy toes, and kissed him.

"Let's do it," Joe said, shaking his head with a big smile.

"Okay," Lamia said.

Later that day, Lamia and Joe went to pick up the kids from school. Lamia and Joe's kids went to the same schools. So it made it easy for them to pick them up. The kids cheered as Joe walked them outside and to the car.

"Hi, lala," Joe's boys said as they got in the car.

"Hi, Mommy," Liara and Laith said.

"Hi guys, how was school?" Lamia asked them.

Each kid took turns filling Lamia and Joe in about their day in school.

"That's good," Joe said.

Joelle and Laird were the last ones to be picked up.

"Hi, Mom, Joe," Laird said, getting in the car.

"Hi, Dad, Lala," Joelle said as she hugged all of her younger kids in the car.

"Hi, guys," Lamia said.

Joe began driving.

"Hey, how's school?" Joe asked them.

"Long," Laird answered.

"It was okay," Joelle answered.

"Dad, Lala, I have a question," Joelle said.

"What is it, Joelle?" Lamia asked.

"Are you guys going to have more kids?" Joelle asked.

"Why do you ask?" Joe asked Joelle.

"Just asking," Joelle replied.

"Well..." Lamia started but paused.

"We're home," Joe said instead of letting Lamia answer Joelle's question.

Joe parked in the driveway. Joe unbuckled his seatbelt, looking back at Lamia with a sympathetic look.

Lamia shrugs.

"Sorry, about that," Joe said, once the kids got out of the car.

"It's fine, Joe," Lamia said.

"Do you wanna talk about—" Joe was about to ask but Lamia cut him off.

"Nope," Lamia said.

Joe tilts her head toward him.

"I just didn't want to have that conversation with the kids," Joe said.

"I understand," Lamia said.

Somewhat taken aback, he raises a brow.

"You seem upset," Joe said.

Lamia shakes her head.

"No, I'm not upset. Joelle's question just has me thinking that's all," Lamia said.

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