Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"Okay, once we're in there, pick out what you want, and don't run off," Lamia told the kids as she placed Liara in the shopping cart.

Laith and Laird nodded as they made their way inside the grocery store.

About 20 minutes after they had arrived trouble had began. Laird noticed that a woman had been following them for five minutes now. He was getting annoyed with the woman.

"Is that lady following us?" Laith asked his brother.

"Yeah, don't worry if she's a Karen, I'll protect us," Laird answered.

Laith nods.

The boys let Lamia know that they wanted to get snacks so they went to the chip aisle. The woman follows them down that aisle.

They pick out what they wanted and as they are about to go to their mom, the woman stops them.

The boys looked at each other; they were waiting for the woman to say something so they could get back to their mom.

"I'm your grandma," The woman told them.

"We only got one grandma and you're not her," Laird said, referring to Patricia.

"I'm your mother's mother," The woman said.

"Yeah okay, whatever," Laird said, trying to get away from the woman.

"I see she didn't teach you any manners," The woman said.

"I don't know you, so, why would I be respectful to you?" Laird asked.

"I just told you I'm your mother's mother," The woman answered.

Laird shrugged.

"Never heard of you," Laird said.

Lamia noticed that the boys hadn't come back yet.

"Let's go look for your brothers, they probably any decide on their snacks," Lamia told her daughter.

Liara giggled.

Lamia pushes the shopping cart to the chip aisle where she finds her sons, looking annoyed with a woman trying to talk to them.

"What is going on?" Lamia asked, going into momma bear mode.

"This lady won't leave us alone," Laith answered as he and Laird move to their mom's side and place the snacks into the shopping cart.

Lamia looks at the woman.

"Who are you to be bothering my kids?" Lamia asked the woman.

The woman chuckled.

"I know it's been a long time but Lamia, you can't possibly have forgotten how your mother looks," The woman told Lamia.

Lamia frowned.

"Stay the fuck away from me and my kids," Lamia said crossing her arms over her chest.

Lamia shot her a dirty look.

"I just want to talk," The woman said.

"No one wants to talk to you, Aurelia," Lamia said as she tried to go past her with the shopping cart.

Aurelia blocked her way.

"Come now, I just want to talk and catch up, Lamia, I've missed you," Aurelia said.

Lamia closed her eyes and counted to ten in her mind before opening her eyes again. She didn't want to make a scene in the grocery store but she knew her mother wasn't going to leave them. She was hoping she wouldn't run into her parents but Kamoria was right. You can't hide forever in this city. Especially when everyone knows you.

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