V:" We are already going to have lunch. Why to disturb Pete? Kinn it's lunch time now so Let's go to dining area."

I never thought that I'll be asking kinn for something like this. This all is because of Tawan. I need to talk with him today at anyhow.

We went there and the food was served. I saw Pete with other bodyguards . They were also having their lunch but we were in separate rooms. Pete was looking at me from time to time. I know he wants to meet me just like how I want to meet him. And seeing me and Tawan together, I don't think it's a comfortable sight for him to see .

We all finished eating the food and then Tawan got up and went to washroom. Kinn was busy on call. This was the right time for me to Meet Tawan. He'll be alone.

I quickly went to washroom. He was standing near the basin and he turned around after seeing me in the mirror.

T:" I knew you will come here."

V:" Just cut the crap and tell me why you're staying here? And what are you upto?"

T:" I'm here because of khun Yam"

V:" We both know it's not true."

T:" Mmm... You can say it's partiality correct."

V:"  don't test my patience Tawan . Just tell me why you wanted me to be here in the meeting. You can fool kinn, not me."

T:" I know you are smart. Offcourse, do you really think I will call you because of business deals of Christine. Not at all. Earlier I wanted to show it to everyone but then i thought it won't be fun. "

V:" What do you mean?"

T:" That will only help you guys. I won't get any benefit from it at all. So I thought I should show it only to you."

V:" What is it?"

T:" It's not with me right now. If you wanted to see it, then You know where we should meet."

V:" Where?"

T:" At my house Vegas. It was our place remember. You always come to meet me whenever you felt like you need me."

V:" shut up. Just tell me the time ."


The next morning i went to Tawan's house. He told me to meet there as he wants to show me something. He took me to a room where a white screen was on the wall and a projector was kept in the middle of the room on the table.

V:" What is it?"

T:" It is something that I decided to show it to Khun Yam because this might be of great help to him. But you know na I love you Vegas, so I thought before I show it to him, I should show this to you. It might help you to win his trust and he'll trust you more than Kinn."

This sounds something fishy.

V:" Show it then."

He tried to arrange the set up. But his projector had some issue. Was it not working?

V:" Tawan you're wasting my time "

T:" I'm doing this for you Vegas, just give me a moment.'

V:" You know what . Call me when it starts working again."

T: "Vegas, wait . It will start soon."

As soon as I moved towards the door to leave the room. I felt his screen turned on behind me and the video started playing and the first sound I heard was .......

P." Just admit your mistake and I'll leave you, and if you don't then I'll shoot you."

......... Pete's voice. I turned to look at the screen.

Secret lovers (Vegaspete ff)Where stories live. Discover now