Chapter Twenty-Three

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(n.) to become free; to break; loose




There were fewer sounds I found myself pleased in hearing. One of those few was Genevieve's. Her calm yet confident tone brought a peculiar kind of delight to me.

Then it was the voice of the agonized. Their cries and pleas were just as pleasing to hear.

"ARGH!" Screams of pain were the only sounds heard through the dark basement.

I glanced at my art and the deeds I have been committing for the last two hours. A smile of satisfaction spread on my face at that.

Done clipping the nails of his right hand.

The raw smell of blood and urine filled the place, concealing the room with a disgusting atmosphere. Yet, I felt little concern about it.

Because the only thing on my mind right now was vengeance. Anger in my gut, blood on my hand.

Gwen's tear-soaked face looked up at me, eyes begging for mercy he knew he wouldn't receive. Not anymore.

"You lied to me," I moved the nail clipper towards the finger of his left hand, to which he only shook his head in fear, "You slapped her." He tried to move his tied hand away, but failed of course.

Another scream burst out of his mouth as I clipped the entire nail of his index finger.

The other captives winced upon seeing the scene, their faces twisted in terror.

"I'M SORRY, BOSS- ARGH!" This time I removed the nail from his middle finger.

"Tell me, Gwen." I bent my head down to his level, got near his ear, and whispered with a smile, "I know two thousand and six ways to break the two hundred and six bones in one's body," I smirked when he flinched hearing the words, "Which way would you prefer?"

He only sobbed in return, his mouth unable to form any coherent words as drops of saliva streamed down from his mouth.

"Or should I just try every way on you?" He looked up at me with horror written across his face. "No, no, no, no, no, b-boss," He cried out again, "I-I didn't know that woman was y-yours. I wouldn't have even looked at her, boss! I SWEAR!"

I only scoffed at his words before going to take another nail from his finger. "B-BOSS, PLEASE, BOSS!" He screamed as he saw his other nail about to be clipped, "BOSS, I SWEAR I'LL APOLOGIZE. I-I would NEVER, NEVER do that again, boss! I-I swear. PLEASE, forgive me!"

I sighed, forcing myself not to roll my eyes at his pathetic words. "What are you? Dumb?" I looked around and pointed at the people who were tied here, "Do you think anyone can ever leave this place alive, Gwen?"

I snickered before shaking my head, providing the answer to my own question. Clicking my tongue, I said, "Never. They came here and they'll die here. There's no forgiveness for them. And," I smiled down at him before clipping another nail. His cries of agony remained the same, "You happen to be the unluckiest one of them."

When Emiliano called me today and told me about what Gwen actually did to Genevieve that night at Vittoria's, all I saw was blood and brutality.

I left this murdering and torturing job to Emi long ago, as he found sick joy in doing those things. Unlike him, I found it rather dirty and messy. But it didn't mean I disliked it in any way.

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