Chapter - 2

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According to my count, a few days had passed since the very incident that brought me here.

I lay under the oak tree, as the forest let itself drown in the darkness of the night. 

The sky's black tranquility married to a poetry of stars. 

It was the softness that called body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm. 

Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness above to calm the soul.

I couldn't fall asleep. I had rested too much during the daytime.

The freshest of fruits lingered upon the trees nearest to my great oak, so I didn't really have walk afar in search of food.

As my eyes slowly began feeling heavy, a sudden dark cloud covered my bright vision. I thought perhaps one of the clouds had floated in front of the moon.

But as I looked up, I found a creature half my size flying overhead.

I was startled, and stood up. 'Shh...' I heard a small voice come from it.

'Hello sir.'

'H-hello..?'. I said trembling as I still couldn't clearly see it. It's body covered the moonlight so I could only define it's fine silhouette and wings..?It had wings!?

'Who...who are you?' I said.

'Peter Pan! That's what they call me! And now you'll never be lonely!'

'From...the movie?'

Before I could interrogate him further, he held my hand and pulled me up.

I was sprinkled in glass like shards.

As shiny as glitter yet soft as a feather. I felt light, I was floating.

'Welcome to Neverland! Believe you'll fly and my magic will make you!' He said in a cheery voice.

Out of nowhere, a cloud of green emerged before us and he told me to sit on it.

'Together we will fly on this cloud of green, to your beautiful destiny!'.

My destiny? I thought to myself. A chuckle escaped my lips as we soared through the sky.

A town below me, reminded me of a place. Although it felt like a very distant memory, I could feel it touching me. It was close yet miles away.

 Something within me brought tears to well up in my eyes. 

A feeling I couldn't quite put a finger on. But one thing was clear to me.

 I was hated in that land. I wasn't loved. I wasn't needed.

How could I feel such strong emotions without any trace of reasoning? What made me think this place was revolted by my presence. 

All the questions came and went like waves on shore. The beauty of the night sky had my attention captured. Not letting me miss a single star in the wonderful celestial cloak.

Soon enough, we had arrived. Neverland.

I got off the magical cloud as my feet sunk into the soft sand of the land. A sight so bright my eyes couldn't help my shrink. 

'Follow me!' Peter Pan said.

And off I went with him, to discover this land of my destiny.

Lost BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon