Chapter 4: Growing into me like a fungus

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As Fourth stepped into the club for the third time that week, he felt a mix of familiarity and excitement. Dressed casually in jeans and a simple white t-shirt, he had opted for comfort, pairing his outfit with his trusty blue sneakers. His eyes scanned for his best friend's doppelganger, and when his gaze locked on him, he couldn't help but smile.

This was the guy he was going out with today. He was definitely lucky.

Observing Tinn advising the barkeep, Fourth couldn't help but admire the way Tinn's charm and charisma seemed to extend to every aspect of his life. Tinn's confident demeanor and easy way of interacting with others were apparent, even in this seemingly casual moment at the bar. When Tinn's gaze fell on Fourth, the younger nodded, and a natural, beaming smile spread across Tinn's lips. It hit that little guilt Fourth felt about his morning adventure, and he fixed his eyes on his phone instead. Tinn rapidly finished up at the bar and joined him, and Fourth realized what he was dressed like for the first time.

He should definitely consider wearing red as a career, thought Fourth, his eyes running over Tinn's frame, impressed.

"Like what you see?" asked Tinn, and Fourth laughed, reminiscing their first meeting.

Walking out, Tinn surprised him by dragging him towards a motorbike. He held out a black helmet, which Fourth narrowed his eyes at before carefully donning it. Tinn reached out to brush his bangs away, creating a small moment between the two of them. Noticing Tinn's enticing gaze on him, Fourth cleared his throat and looked away, trying to compose himself while buckling the helmet.

The wind was unnaturally rough today, as they zoomed through the streets. Tinn was determined to keep the location of their "date" a secret, much to Fourth's chagrin, and Fourth despite hating surprises, grudgingly admitted defeat. He tried to worm out answers from Tinn, which deemed unsuccessful as Tinn seemed to anticipate Fourth's methods and laughed off his attempts to uncover the surprise. Finally pausing at a street vendor, Finally, they came to a stop at a street vendor, and Fourth's eyes sparkled like crystals as he laid eyes on the delectable corndogs and fried chicken sizzling on the pan. The sight of the street food had him grinning with delight. Unable to resist the temptation, he hopped off the motorbike, eager to indulge in this unexpected treat. Tinn, amused by Fourth's excitement, wasted no time in buying some of the mouth-watering street food. He watched with amusement as Fourth devoured the corndogs and fried chicken with gusto, savoring every bite as if it were the last food on earth. The simple pleasure of Fourth's excitement brought a smile to Tinn's face as he appreciated the joy in his date's eyes.

As they continued their journey, the anticipation of what awaited them only grew, and Fourth had forgotten all about his adventurous morning.

"You're not gonna tell me, are you?" He asked, gently pinching Tinn's stomach as his arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Nope" Tinn laughed, bumping his helmet with Fourth's in jest, "Why do you keep asking?"

"Tell me" The younger whined, placing his chin on the elder's shoulder, "Please?"

"No, you should know better now"

The so called secret location was apparently dinner at a restaurant by the lake. As the sun began its gentle descent, casting a warm glow over the tranquil lake, the charming restaurant nestled by the water's edge came to life. The ambiance was nothing short of magical, as the soft rays of the setting sun danced on the rippling waves, creating a shimmering spectacle. Approaching the restaurant, they were greeted by the inviting aroma of delectable dishes being prepared in the kitchen. A wooden boardwalk lead them closer to the water, where small lanterns and twinkling fairy lights illuminated the path. The restaurant was elegantly designed, with large windows and open-air seating that allowed diners to bask in the breathtaking views of the lake. The tables were adorned with crisp, white tablecloths and flickering candles, casting a warm and intimate glow, as Tinn lead Fourth to the table he had reserved.

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