Chapter 1: Isn't that right, baby?

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At the age of twenty-two, Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul had achieved more in life than he had ever expected. His studio apartment served as both his sanctuary and his creative haven, where he spent countless hours bringing his vivid imaginations to life on canvas. Through his artwork, he had managed to not only express himself but also turn his passion into a profitable venture.

The walls of his apartment were adorned with his creations, each piece telling a unique story and showcasing his evolving artistic journey. His distinct style had garnered attention from art enthusiasts and buyers alike, leading to successful exhibitions and commissions that allowed him to make a living doing what he loved most. Fourth's artistic talent was complemented by his intelligence and determination, which had led him to excel in his academic pursuits as well. His first-class Master's degree was a testament to his hard work and dedication.

Usually, Fourth didn't mind having his best friend in his apartment, unexpectedly. Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak possessed an innate charm that could match none other; especially with being tall, handsome and cheeky. Gemini's eyes, like twin stars in the night sky, twinkle with intelligence and curiosity, hinting at the depths of his inner world. His striking appearance is complemented by a disarming smile that radiates warmth and charm, drawing others towards him like moths to a flame, only rivaling with Fourth's infamous dashing smile. Gemini always made up for his spontaneous visits by helping Fourth with the cooking and even helping to tidy up after eating.

But some days, the visits were prolonged or coupled with long monologues of why he had to dump a certain girl, or what's happening with his band or concerns about his mom's new boyfriend. While Fourth cherished the opportunity to lend a compassionate ear to Gemini's eternal musings, sometimes, he had to admit, he often yearned for solitude. It's not that Gemini is too loud. But when he was determined to paint, he wanted an ambiance of tranquility. And his best friend is everything but that.

"So?" The taller urged, bumping his knee against Fourth's eliciting a mumbled curse, "what do you say?"

"I can't, today", Fourth ran his fork around his plate, playing with a piece of carrot.

"Why not? You don't have any new contracts coming up, right? Besides, I'm just gonna check the crowd for the new gig"

If there's something about Gemini that Fourth admired, it was his persistence and adamant nature. And while everyone usually curbed into Gemini's pleadings, Fourth remained impervious. However sometimes, this tenacity grated on Fourth's nerves, but he wasn't insensitive enough to admit it out loud.

"The New Year exhibition is coming up soon"

"Fourth, it's July. There's like six months or something for the new year", Gemini placed his plate on the coffee table in front of him and Fourth's gaze fell on the abandoned peas.

"Five months" Fourth corrected, as Gemini blinked, "also I can't"

"Why not?"

Gemini's fingers were somehow coiled around Fourth's biceps now, grazing the shirt material softly in circles and Fourth sighed, a testament to his realization that Gemini was not willing to let go. Gemini's determined dogged persona is shining through now, showcasing the resolve that defined his very being.

There was a new bar that had called him for a gig in the weekend and since he was the leader and the base guitarist of the renowned band, TOXIC, he had agreed to check it out for a night. While Fourth had suggested that Gemini attend the event alongside his bandmates, Gemini had listed down their priorities, which seemed more like excuses if Fourth was being honest. And when he tried to rope their other friends, Gemini actually had the audacity to look offended, asking if he didn't want to be with him for some time. Fourth looked up at him, and noticing the puppy dog eyes he was unintentionally giving him right now, he averted his gaze and grinned.

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