Chapter 3: A sticky situation

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"What about me?"

"What about you?" asked the younger, as he tried to digest what was going on.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat for the millionth time and noticed how Gemini was engaging in a one-sided casual conversation with him while he was a mess.

"Yunno, as a boyfriend?"

Why does Gemini keep making the weirdest claims with the calmest voice?

"I'm pretty sure your string of flings could answer you on that", Fourth decided to deflect the situation at hand, as a soft chuckle left his lips.

"No, I mean as your boyfriend"

Gemini turned to look at him as Fourth blinked, miserably.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you actually dumb or are you pretending? What about me as your boyfriend?" asked Gemini, his gaze dropping to Fourth's lips.


Fourth pleaded, as the air between them grew warmer as each second passed. To say Fourth was uncomfortable would be an understatement. His fingernails dug deeply into the seatbelt as he avoided direct eye contact with his best friend, his gaze darting aimlessly in every direction but Gemini's. The atmosphere seemed to suffocate with unspoken emotions, leaving both of them trapped in an uneasy silence.

"I mean we're close, we practically are together 24/7, we have breakfast, dinner and lunch together, I crash here alot—", Gemini started, his voice betraying a hint of flustered unease as he shifted away from Fourth, putting some distance between them as he turned a corner. The abrupt movement seemed to add to the growing tension, leaving an unspoken sense of apprehension hanging in the air.

They were almost at Fourth's apartment and the younger felt as if he was in a hot seat and just couldn't wait to get away from the car and into the safe confines of his apartment. He didn't realize that he missed the comforting scent of paint that typically filled the air, rather than the luxurious fragrance of Creed Aventus that now surrounded them. He decided to not give any more reasons for Gemini to stare him, with that fucking intense gaze again.

"Sure, we're close. But we don't have all three meals together all the time and you crash here either when you're too drunk to drive home or when you're nursing from a bad break up. There's no inbetween."

"I could spend more time with you—", Gemini provided as if spending time with him would solve all the issues.

Fourth turned to him, exasperated.

"Gem, do you know what entails being a boyfriend?"

"Sex? We could—"

"FEELINGS." Fourth yelled, as his face turned red, "Being in a relationship means having genuine emotional connections, not just physical intimacy"

He turned away from the elder, fanning himself before smacking Gemini's forehead lightly. Gemini feigned being hurt before smiling and Fourth felt himself calm down for a minute.

"I mean, we do have feelings for each other", Gemini countered, trying to find common ground.

"Romantic feelings. Not friendly feelings" Fourth interjected, holding up his hand to preempt Gemini's response, "Yes, before you say anything, I do love you. But strictly as a friend. We don't have a passionate, 'I can't live without you, I can't breathe without you' bond."

Once the initial tension died down, Fourth started to relax. He shared a look with Gemini who grinned back at him before turning on the radio. Nont Tanont's "Are you sure?" started playing in the background, and Fourth looked over at Gemini as the lyrics seeped into his brain.

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